

Earthquake Early Warning alarms have a very unnerving melodic sound.


I have heard that the sound designers did much research and testing to create that sound.


So I did some research.


The Japan Meteorological Agency, NHK, and an acoustic design company created the alarm.


The creation of the alarm sounds utilized knowledge of psychoacoustics. In particular, the sounds that humans instinctively feel anxious and alarmed about were analyzed, and their characteristics were incorporated to create and select several alarm sounds.


The creation process involved acoustic design experts, who adjusted the frequencies, rhythms, and volume of the sounds. Particularly, the frequency bands (usually high frequencies) that cause discomfort and tension were chosen, and they were then continually improved with feedback from experts and the public.


I think the alarm sound is a perfect piece of content that instantly alerts many people.



In my house, I can hear the Disaster Management Radio.


The alarm sounded this morning for a follow-up earthquake emergency.


If they had not notified me before this test audio that it was a test, I would have just scowled inside my house.


Disaster prevention and administrative radio are essential infrastructure systems.


In a major earthquake, there will be a massive power outage, which will wipe out all TV sets. Your mobile phone will be in chaos with personal information. Even if you keep a radio handy, it will not broadcast news specific to your local area.


The last resort is the disaster management radio. It is the only one that can be relied upon for earthquake early warnings and evacuation instructions.



Since the telecommuting system has started, I have been working from home and often hear broadcasts on the Disaster Management Radio.


The Disaster Prevention and Management Radio generally tells me when to start a silent prayer on Atomic Bomb Day, End of War Day, Memorial Day for Earthquake Disasters, etc.


On the other hand, announcements asking people to 'look for missing elderly people' are usually made weekly.


I believe I understand the fear of the families of the missing.



And it was this incident that drilled into me the fear of my parent's dementia + wandering to the bone.



I have been disclosing my location to my family for ten years by installing a location-transmitting app on my phone (my daughters naturally refuse to disclose this, so it is a unilateral disclosure on my part).


So, if I have dementia, as long as I have my phone with me (and before my phone runs out of power), I may be able to get help.

しかし、スマホすらも忘れて徘徊するほど認知症が進行すれば ―― もう打つ手が思いつきません。

But if my dementia progresses to the point where I forget even my phone and wander off - I can't think of anything else to do.

ちなみに、靴に入れるデバイスとか、あれ、全然ダメです ―― 充電方法や電源装置のサイズの他、そもそもコストが見合っていません。コストに見合うような大量生産に持ち込むには、"徘徊"を、日本で1000件/日のオーダにする必要があります。

Incidentally, you can put devices in your shoes or whatever that's not good at all. Besides the charging method and the power supply size, the cost is not worth it to begin with. To bring it into cost-effective mass production, "wandering" would have to be 1,000 cases/day in Japan.


Posted by ebata