―― 自分を、優しそうな人間や親切な人間に見せかけることを目的としただけの、無責任な暴力
Every day, my family members scold me, 'You are going to die.'
My sister pointed out to me the other day that I was 'proud.'
In short, they all want to say that I need to be more hands-off and set lower targets.
Well, I spend about 15 hours every day, including weekends, in front of the computer doing something, so I think my family and my sister are correct in pointing this out.
To begin with, I have written blogs and columns criticizing workaholics.
長時間労働=美徳の時代は終わる ~「働き方改革」はパラダイムシフトとなり得るのかhttps://t.co/VkUNwrZxqZ pic.twitter.com/dlm5EIbe0A
— EE Times Japan編集部 (@eetimes_jp) August 29, 2019
However, it is true that I am now both a student and a worker and have been working for the last two years with unparalleled hard work in the past.
'Why do you keep writing this blog under such circumstances?' but this is a 'break' for me.
Without this amount of leisure time, I would be stuck.
現在、EE Times Japanへの寄稿を止めさせて頂いているのは、その時間を全部、大学の研究活動に持っていかれているからです ―― もちろん、それを選んだのは私自身ですので、全て私の責任ではありますが。
I have stopped contributing to EE Times Japan because my university research activities are taking up all that time. Of course, I chose to do that myself, so it's all my fault.
Me: "For example, if you go to Karuizawa on a trip, the first thing you want to do is arrive in Karuizawa."
Wife: "?"
Me: "And they all get together and tell me, 'Karuizawa is too far away, so compromise with somewhere closer.'"
Wife: "..."
Me: "But, you know, no one can tell me of any 'nearby places' that can replace 'Karuizawa'."
Wife: "We say 'stop it,' but we don't tell you 'what I should do'"
Me: "Yeah. All anyone can do is tell me to 'stop.' If I stop, it stops, but that's not just about me. Are you sure that's what you want?"
Wife: "Isn't that part of 'thinking for yourself'?"
私:「それを『考える労力』のコストの大きさを誰も考えてくれない。『軽井沢の代替地』を考えるコストは、相当に高いんだけど ―― 皆、それを無視して『止めろ』『止めろ』と連呼しかしないんだよね」
Me: "Nobody thinks about the magnitude of the cost of the 'effort' to 'think' about it. The cost of thinking about 'alternative sites for Karuizawa' is quite high - but everyone ignores that and calls out 'stop' and 'stop.'"
Ladies and Gentlemen. Aren't you irresponsibly calling for people overworking to 'stop'?
That's not any advice for the parties involved.
'The advice to 'stop' with no thought for what happens after I 'stop' is...
―― 自分を、優しそうな人間や親切な人間に見せかけることを目的としただけの、無責任な暴力
"Irresponsible violence that only aims to make you look like a nice or kind person."
I think, these days, that it is.
Anyone with a counter-argument should contact me after reading the following blog.