My laptop is useless because the specs or the operating system are outdated.
That's why I use a second-hand machine that my daughter used to use.
In my case, I use the laptop for paperwork programming and testing network communications, which is problematic.
For example, Windows 10, as a security measure, does not respond to ping by default and does not allow communication except on specific ports.
To remove this security, you have to create and set up a policy for removal.
―― 「セキュリティの設定を解除する」というのも変な話だなぁ
"Unlocking security settings" sounds odd."
However, this may not be an option, as many PC users do not know how to take security measures.
Or, amid the ransomware epidemic, this response is not surprising.
Only about 1%, or maybe less than 0.01%, of people worldwide have to open a PC's IP address or port to run their programs.
My daughter's hand-me-down PC naturally had shabby memory and disk, so I attempted various modifications to bring it up to a level suitable for my use.
Adding a 500GB SSD was quick and easy, but the memory expansion failed.
Make a note of the memory product number, referring to the web and YouTube,
To the Amazon, I
ordered 32 GB memory, found it did not work, returned it, and,
ordered 16 GB memory, found it did not work, returned it, and,
ordered 8 GB memory, found it did not work, returned it, and,
ordered 4 GB memory, found it did not work, returned it, and,
And, well, I finally gave up on memory expansion.
I wish for a memory slot that didn't work for additional memory, but I had to repeat the order, delivery, and return process to Amazon four times daily.
Every day, the delivery company's people who came to pick up the returns were not happy on the third day. It can't be helped.
Amazon has been beneficial in responding to products that do not work without complaint.
Initially, we had hoped to run it with 32 GB of memory as one of the machines to run simulations that would require several hours, but that ambition was crushed.
Well, I also think what I am thinking of being so bold with the given laptop.
So this unbalanced machine, with 4GB of standard memory and a 500GB SSD, is currently used as a PC for university lectures and as a backup machine for research databases and documents.
Programs and data for research are spread across three machines and kept in working order.
Because, empirically, just missing data takes considerable time to restore, there is no guarantee that the restore will succeed.
'Backup' is not enough. I need to go as far as "cloning and keeping it online" to have peace of mind finally.
I understand the principles of viruses but would like to make my own Ransomware.
I can't understand it unless I make it myself (I've also made Bitcoin myself before using OSS (named Evacoin)).
ビットコインの運命 ~異常な価値上昇を求められる“半減期”https://t.co/mzKoPCKEFN pic.twitter.com/Nb2ZZKi6dQ
— EE Times Japan編集部 (@eetimes_jp) November 27, 2020
There is no 'perfect' security response, including Ransomware.
人間の世界のウィルスも、コンピュータの世界のウィルスも、基本は、規則正しい生活(運用)と、予防(セキュリティ対応)しか手はありませんが ―― それでもやられる時にはやられます。これは確率の問題です。
For both viruses in the human world and computer world, the only basic measures are regular life (operation) and prevention (security measures) - but even so, sometimes you will still get hit. This is a matter of probability.
We are afraid of unidentifiable things.
So, I have created and tried my computer viruses, Bitcoin, and neural networks; if they are simple enough,
I am proud to say that I have studied both generated AI, influenza, and the new coronavirus to the maximum limit I can and asked experts to understand them in my own way.
These things are 'scary,' but the more you can imagine how to deal with them, the less scary they are.
In that sense, it is still 'ransomware, too, I want to create and understand on my own'.
それ以外の方法として、すべてのPC(ノートPCを含み)が、常にクローンによるホットスタンバイの二重系システムとして販売するとか ―― あ、だめだ。
Otherwise, all PCs (including laptops) could be sold as a dual system with a hot standby system with clones at all times -- oh, no.
If the Ransomware is a delayed activation type (incubation period of a week or a month later), both systems will be infected, which makes no sense.
The only way to live without fear of Ransomware is to 'not use any computer systems'.