

I have told you for some time that to understand the Islamic worldview, it would be better to read Marginal Operations by Yuri Shibaura than to read the Koran(the Islamic holy book).

―― 仮にタリバンを武力で殲滅することができても、"勉強が嫌いな少女"を虐殺することは、絶対に不可能

で、今、自宅のトイレの中で(我が家では、私がトイレの中に棚を作って、読書室としています)、マージナル・オペレーション F2をつまみ読みしていました。

So, I'm in the bathroom at home (I made a shelf in the bathroom as a reading room), and I've just been picking up "Marginal Operations F2."

この本の中で主人公が語る、アメリカ合衆国の民主主義の態様が、非常に的を得ていて、ゾクっとしてしまいました ―― 例の人物が大統領として再選される可能性も出てきましたし。

The protagonist's description of the attitude of democracy in the United States of America was so spot-on that it made me cringe—and the possibility of that person being re-elected as president made me cringe even more.


In the book, the main character's female friend has the line 'You should throw your current job away and become my pimp as soon as possible'.

―― これって本当かな?

"Is this true?"


I suspect that this is the case.


She is not lying when she makes these statements, as she does not see her protagonist suffering under work pressure. I do not doubt it.


At the moment, the protagonist is a lone commander who continues to fight against the great powers. The hero's charm is at its best when he continues fighting.


Can she continue to love him as she did before when he became a 'pimp,' hanging around and doing nothing?


Changes in one state of affairs also change the environment around it.


しかし、そうであったとしても ――

But even if that were the case--


If a person has a mental disorder, we should stop the condition as soon as possible.


Of course, collateral damage will inevitably be caused by this.


But in the time it takes to worry about such things, mental illness can worsen and lead to suicide.


Even if it does not lead to such a worst-case scenario, it should be stopped if possible.



'I think a lover who says to me, "You should throw away your current job and become my pimp as soon as possible," is probably more valuable than any philosophy or religion.


Well, let's leave it to you to decide what happens when they become a pimp, for now.





Posted by ebata