
ジェンダー(×セックス)を証明するのに、生殖機能をなくす手術を必須とすることは ―― 組(暴力団等)を抜ける為の落とし前として、『指を詰める』という『野蛮なしきたり』をやっている反社会勢力と同じ


In a case sent back following a Supreme Court ruling that 'surgery to change the gender on the family register to resemble the appearance has so far been unconstitutional,' the Hiroshima High Court noted that if surgery is always necessary, there is a suspicion of violating the Constitution.


It is customary for lower courts (district courts) to overturn decisions on cases sent back against a Supreme Court decision, so I think this decision is reasonable.

ただ、今回の判決の内容 ―― 実に興味深いのですよ。

But the content of this judgment is exciting.



Last night, I was watching the 7 o'clock NHK news that I had recorded with my wife, and there was a scene where I thought, 'What?' I turned the HDD recorder back on for 30 seconds to review.

私:「この判決内容、かなり面白い. "Not funny But interesting"という意味で」

Me: "The content of this judgment is quite interesting. I mean, 'Not funny, But interesting.'"


Wife: "What?"


Me: "This ruling says that 'requiring genital mutilation (or genital creation) as a requirement for gender reassignment is a violation of the Constitution.'"


Wife: "And?"


Me: "But on the other hand, you also accept the legitimacy of 'genital mutilation (or construction),' for example, 'to avoid disruption in public bathrooms.'"


Wife: "So you mean inconsistent?"

私:「この判決が言外に行っているのは、『性器の切除(あるいは造設)は戸籍変更には必要ない』けど、『公衆浴場やプールが、それを理由に、入場を断わることは、"ありえる"、または、"仕方がない"』と言っている、ようにも読める ―― だが、ここからのロジックが面白い」

Me: "What this judgment is saying in the words 'genital mutilation (or creation) is not necessary for changing the family register,' but we can  read as saying that 'it is "possible" or "unavoidable" for public baths and swimming pools to refuse admission on that basis.'" -- but the logic from here is interesting."


Wife: "?"


Me: "The subsequent judgment text says that 'it is reasonable to interpret this as sufficient in a state of not being particularly questionable when exposed to the eyes of others'."


Wife: "??"


Me: "This is the judiciary's 'duty of effort' on us.


Wife: "Duty of effort?"


Me: "In other words, 'We should not judge Male-female decisions on the appearance of genitalia. Let's all change our mindsets so that we judge them based on their overall appearance, including the fact that they have a feminine body due to hormone treatment'."



In other words, the Court is "advising us the people" to "shift the paradigm beyond our common method of gender determination, the 'visual identification of genitalia.'"


I talked to my wife about this afterward, and we agreed that the most significant perspective from now on will be 'that way of operating.'


The Hiroshima High Court's "recommendation to us, the people" is reasonable. It is a trend, and I think it is in the right direction.


On the other hand, however, we also believe that baths and swimming pool operators are now in deep trouble.


Of course, this is also a challenge to us, the people.


It will take time (10 years?), but we need to work hard for a paradigm shift.



Posted by ebata