

In Japan, the issue is 'politics and money,' whereas in the US, 'politics is money.'

「拝金主義」というと聞こえは悪いですが、米国では「"金を持っている" = "努力した or 自分の才能を活用した" = "権力があるのは当然"」という考え方が、かなり寛容に受け入れらています。

Although "usury" sounds terrible, the idea that "having money" = "working hard or using your talents" = "deserving to have power" is relatively tolerated in the USA.

米国では「"いままで努力してきたからお金を持っている" → "お金があるから権力がある" → "強力な弁護団を結成する" → "無罪を勝ち取る"」 というプロセスが、普通に受け入れられています。

In the USA, the process of "I have money because I have worked hard so far" → "I have power because I have money" → "I form a strong defense team" → "I win acquittal" is usually accepted.

「"貧乏でも真面目に生きている" → "民意と行政システムは弱者に対しても公平に機能する" → "正義が勝つ" → "無罪を勝ちとる"」という、日本人の価値観とはかなり違います。

This fact is quite different from the Japanese value system of "poor but serious" → "the will of the people and the administrative system work fairly for the weak" → "justice prevails" → "we can get the innocent."


Justice is crucially different in that it is not "something as is," that is, but "something that we have to go to get."


There is a difference between the American value system, in which "effort is only a process and the output is valuable", and the Japanese value system, in which "effort itself is also valuable".


I dare to exaggerate, but there is no doubt that this is just the trend, which is not about 'good or bad.'


In this sense, politics in the US is about appealing performances (be they achievements), as seen in the US presidential election and other elections.



The US presidential election is affecting the world. This fact often makes me uncomfortable, but it makes sense that 'the country with the money is strong.' Not "justice is strong," but "money is strong."


Yesterday, there was an assassination sniper attempt on a former US President and current US Presidential candidate.


I considered writing extensively about this, but I refrained because I thought, 'If I just sit back and wait for two weeks, I'll get the whole picture, so there's no need to rush into unfounded speculation now.'


Especially as I am a well-documented blogger, I don't want to be ridiculed later for making a wild guess.

まあ、そのような場合、後で記事を消せば良いのですが、それをしないのは、私の矜持 ―― いや、そんなカッコイイものではなく、単なる「こだわり」です。

In such a case, I could delete the article later, but I'm proud that I don't do that - no, it's not that cool; it's just an "obsession."




Posted by ebata