

I continue to work remotely and am beyond chronic; instead, I'm the ultimate exercise weaker.


The only daily exercise I do is 30 pull-ups with iron bars (pull-ups where you touch your head to the ceiling),



And 40 sit-ups with equipment (because I have no one to support my legs).


Total exercise time: less than 3 minutes.

―― 1秒でも「つらい」と感じる運動は続けられない

"Exercise that feels ‘hard’ for even one second cannot be continued."


Based on my belief, I only do less than three minutes of exercise a day.



At present, what I am lacking is ‘walking’.


However, this is time-consuming, and during the daytime this summer (beyond the level of extreme heat), it is a ‘life-threatening act.’


Walking is ‘hard’. So, I dismissed it immediately.


Then, I can select the option of indoor walking.


A quick and easy way is to do ‘step-up and down exercises.’


At first, I thought I would quickly make the elevating platform myself, but when I thought it would have to support my weight daily, I decided it would be dangerous for an amateur artisan to do it.

自作の昇降台で転倒骨折したら ―― "バカ"としか言いようがありません(この年齢では、"死亡事故"になる可能性すら否定できません)。

If I fall and fracture my bones on a homemade platform - I will be a ‘fool’ myself (at my age, I cannot even rule out the possibility of a ‘fatal accident’).

で、量販品を探したのですが ―― 値段はさておき、置き場に困るものばかりです。

So I looked for mass-market products -- price aside, they are all difficult to install in my room.


To begin with, my day starts with taking my sofa out of the room where I slept.


That's how much stuff I have (mainly computers and displays) in my room. And there is no place to keep all this stuff, and it looks heavy to move.


I had no choice but to buy a lightweight lifting platform made of reinforced cardboard.


In short, it had to be (1) capable of lifting and lowering exercises, (2) strong enough to support weight, (3) with a height difference of about 30 cm, and (4) light and not bulky.


Then, while I was taking a bath, I noticed a thing.


I canceled the above cardboard and bought this instead.


It was a blind spot. This should be very stable in terms of strength and safety. After all, it is used in the bathtub.


So, I've been doing ‘step-up and down exercises’ for up to 15 minutes a day while watching anime on NetFlix since yesterday.


The important thing is to be lazy.


Ultimately, the plan is to ‘extend the viewing time to one animation,’ but ‘no longer than that.’


Incidentally, this bath chair is a bit narrow for me, with both feet just barely riding on it, but if you exercise with the image of only half of your soles on it, you will have no other problems.



Even in an air-conditioned room, 15 minutes of elevation exercises can tire you.


If I can make it a routine to ‘step up and down’ and then shower to work up a sweat, I can solve the problem of insufficient walking for the time being.


Again, the crucial things to keep going are ‘zero pain’ and ‘laziness.’


At least, with this policy, I have not missed a single day so far, only pull-ups and sit-ups. They last for three minutes at most, so they are completed with plenty of time to spare.


I don't know if you can say I've ‘exercised’ with this, but when I hang from the bars, shake my body, and hear my bones jiggle, I feel like I've ‘reset my body (bones).’


Posted by ebata