

When I was a student at the university, I was studying alone, doing what I wanted to do, when the matron of the university dormitory, perhaps not seeing me, said to me,


"If you work hard at what you want to do, you will find others who want to follow your path."



As a conclusion of my life up to this age, I affirm the following.


"I have never been able to make such a friend, and I am convinced I will not be able to make such a friend until I die."



If one thinks about it, this result is logically natural, needless an inductive observation.


Because others are not me, and what they want to do is not what I want to do.


Your way of thinking has never been, and will never be, understood by anyone, and you will never be able to make friends who pursue the same path.

この孤独の闘いの果てにあるものは何か ―― 孤独の闘いの終了(死)だけです。

What is at the end of this solitary struggle? It is only the end of the solitary battle (death).


And the fact that nobody remembers you and me. Not a trace of the struggle will remain.


And, well, I'm "okay with that".


人と共にありたい、人と理解しあいたい、人から優しくして欲しい ―― そう思うなら、「一人ぼっちの闘い」などは、止めてしまえばいい。

If you want to be with others, if you want to understand others, if you want others to be kind to you -- if that's what you want, then you can stop "fighting alone."


No one blames you; I don't blame you, and you don't have to blame yourself.


A cessation of fighting is a 'ceasefire.' Generally, a ceasefire is welcomed unconditionally worldwide.


You will stop "Fighting the world and myself." immediately.



Stop 'hating' on the world that no one understands you for your lone struggle. It's not only pointless. It's out of line.


Looking for ways to "enjoy your world " without anyone understanding you is much more constructive.



After all, what I do in my work, studies, columns, and blog is like that.

闘いをやめて世界と迎合して楽しく生きていくのも、闘い続けながら息もできないような孤独の中で死んでいくのも ―― どっちの生き方も、大して変わりません。

You can stop fighting and live happily in harmony with the world, or you can continue to fight and die in solitude that makes it impossible to breathe -- either way of life is much the same.

私たちは、好きな方を選べばいい、と思います ―― ただ、選んだ後で、ガタガタ、グチグチと言わない方がいいとは思います。

I think we can choose whichever we want -- I don't think we should rattle and whine about it after we've made our choice.


Because it's not a good look.


これで、答えになっていますか? 私に質問をされた方。

Does this answer your question asked me?

『友人は債券である』 ―― この話を嫁さんにしたら、嫌な顔をしていました。





Posted by ebata