

When my daughter was in high school, she brought her friend home, and the friend said


"Your dad is so cool."


I heard this story from my daughter, who was back home the other day (I think the event was more than ten years ago).


Unfortunately, I am not naive enough to take such stories seriously and believe them with glee.


The reason for this is apparent if you simulate it, too.


As a line from a friend of my daughter's friend who brought her home,


"Your dad is XXXXXXXXXX, isn't he?"


The reason is apparent if you pick up the words that apply to the "XXXXXX" part of the sentence.



"Your dad is funny.


"Your dad seems kind."


"Your dad is very dependable.


"Your dad is easy to talk to."


I have had conversations with my daughter and her friends that lasted less than 30 seconds. Hence, the phrase would not come up. (Most of the time, I'm busy, so I presume that's probably the extent of it).



Of course, there is also the "bad" direction.


"Your dad is so picky."


"Your dad is so strict."


"Your dad is old-fashioned."


"Your dad is self-centered.


"Your dad is overbearing."


The clincher is,


"Your dad is so lame.


Unfortunately, a 30-second conversation would not be able to make this assessment either. And it would take great courage to spout these lines, even if it were high school socializing.



And, well, if you think of it this way, it's a process of elimination,


"Your dad is so cool.


It is the only line the friend could say.


In other words, this is nothing more than a social pleasantry or an unimportant line about the "topic of the weather" in a conversation.



From my heart, I envy those who can be happy in cabaret or clubs, conversing with hosts and hostesses.

そこに愛はない ―― それが分かっていながら、その「愛のような何か」を楽しむことができる

There is no love there -- you know that, but you can still enjoy that "something like love."


I think this is a great talent.


As one of those who did not have such a gift, I would like to say to such people, "Please cherish your "happiness-making device" and live your life" (I am serious).


まあ、その一方で ――

Well, on the other hand--


My second daughter was watching the news about the murder,


"Why would a 50-plus-year-old man spend all his money on a 20-year-old girl and expect to have a serious relationship?


I also think it's fair to ask.


The "happiness machine" does not operate correctly without a reasonable level of reason, social conventions, and correct self-evaluation.


Posted by ebata