

Recently, a system running Microsoft's operating system crashed, forcing many systems worldwide to shut down for a few hours to a few days.


As far as I know from the news, many McDonald's restaurants in Japan have been forced to close, and airlines have also had to cancel flights one after another.


Initially, I suspected a cyber attack, but the target of the attack seemed "strange" to me.


If they were going to carry out a terrorist attack, they would have done it in the direction of "poisoning a manufacturing plant" or "crashing a plane," not in the direction of fast food or airline counters.


A company or state will not break down by bringing down the system of counters, cash registers, etc.


If you are going to commit terrorism, you should aim to kill a thousand people.



As it turned out, the incident was not a terrorist attack but a Windows system failure caused by a problem with CrowdStrike's software update.


I researched whether CrowdStrike or Microsoft was at fault, and it seems that CrowdStrike was the main culprit (Microsoft was the "collateral damage").


It appears that CrowdStrike's software update contained a bug that caused the update to glitch on Microsoft's Windows system, causing widespread system failures.



However, one company was wholly spared from this worldwide system failure caused by Windows OS.


Southwest Airlines. (Incidentally, American, Delta, and United Airlines were affected.)


Other UPS and FedEx also escaped damage.


And the reasons are significant.

―― Windows 3.1という非常に古いオペレーティングシステムを使用していたため

-- Because they were using an ancient operating system, Windows 3.1


Other countries that were largely unaffected were Russia and Iran, which cannot access the services of U.S. high-tech companies due to international sanctions, and airlines and banks within China, which appear to have been largely unaffected by their IT self-sufficiency policies.


Windows3.1(1993年) -- あれは、ボコボコ落ちまくっていたそれ以前のWindowsと比較して、安定して使えて、私も好きだったOSの一つです。

Windows 3.1 (1993)—That was one of my favorite OSs because it was more stable and usable than the earlier Windows, which fell apart at the seams.

何が凄いって、Windows 3.1には、標準でTCP/IP通信プロトコルスタックが実装されていなかったのです。Windows 3.1自体は主にグラフィカルユーザーインターフェースの提供に焦点を当てており、ネットワーキング機能は非常に限定的でした。

It is impressive that Windows 3.1 did not implement a standard TCP/IP communication protocol stack; Windows 3.1 focused primarily on providing a graphical user interface and had minimal networking capabilities.


In other words (believe it or not), Windows 3.1 was incapable of "network communication" as it was.

私たちは、ネットワーク使うために、Microsoft TCP/IP-32やら、 Trumpet WinsockやPC-NFSなどのソフトウェアを自力で組込む必要があったのです(NetBEUIやIPX/SPXプロトコルはあったのですが、そんなもん、知らんですよね)。

We had to integrate Microsoft TCP/IP-32, Trumpet Winsock, PC-NFS, and other software to use the network (NetBEUI and IPX/SPX protocols were available, but you didn't know about them, did you? ).


At that time, computers were an "elite tool" available only to us professionals.


It was a good time.




Aside from that.



Southwest Airlines continues to use Windows 3.1, which is excellent.

ここまで古いOSでは、サイバー攻撃すらできない ―― インターネット側からの攻撃は勿論、内通者によるシステム破壊も難しいのではないか、と、思います。

With an OS this old, even a cyber attack is not possible -- not to mention an attack from the Internet side, it would be difficult for an insider to destroy the system too, I think.


More than that, I am really more interested in how they secured the hardware in 1993.

仮想化? でも、Dockerコンテナしても、ここ10年くらいの技術ですよね。いやいや、それ以上に、ホストOSに最新のWindowsOS使っていたら、ゲストOSをWindows3.1としても意味ないよね。

Virtualization? However, that technology has been around for the last decade, even with Docker containers. No, no, no. More than that, if you use the latest Windows OS for the host OS, it doesn't make sense to use Windows 3.1 for the guest OS.


まあ、私もITエンジニア端くれですので、このようなレガシーOS戦略を取っている組織については、色々と知っています ―― 守秘義務があって話すことはできませんが。

I'm also an IT engineer on the fringe, so I know a lot about organizations with legacy OS strategies like this—although I can't discuss it due to confidentiality obligations.


If you have the steel will to "do all the OS maintenance on your own, without leaving it to Microsoft," a legacy OS strategy may not be the wrong choice.


(I am guessing that Southwest Airlines is getting all the source code for Windows 3.1 from Microsoft.)


In any case,


Southwest Airlines' policy of "not jumping into new things" and "providing the minimum necessary service for the next 100 years


It reminded me of the spirit of traditional Japanese sweets shops, kimono shops, and traditional crafts in the ancient capital (Kyoto).


Posted by ebata