『私に、女性用の下着とか水着を出してくるな! 頭の悪いターゲティング広告だな!』と、腹を立てていました。

先程、私のホームページをEdgeのブラウザで見たのですが ―― 「広告」がうっとうしくて腹が立ってきました。

I just viewed my home page in the Edge browser, and the "ads" annoyed me.


I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm trying my best to post a daily diary, but the page's content looks 'ruined' (frankly, it seems 'stupid').


I was also displeased with the content of the ads that appeared.

『私に、女性用の下着とか水着を出してくるな! 頭の悪いターゲティング広告だな!』と、腹を立てていました。

'Don't offer me women's underwear or swimwear! You're a stupid targeted ad!' I was angry.



I do not manage the advertisements on my homepage, as I have entrusted them to my provider (I forgot which provider). I have no intention of controlling it in the future, as it is too much of a hassle.

皆さんの方で、広告をブロックするアドインで対応して下さい ―― 私の広告収入は、月額300円程度(本当)なので、皆さんは、安心して広告のブロックやっちゃって下さい。

I earn about 300 yen/month from ads (actual), so please feel free to block ads.


(Income is decreasing daily.)

私は、Google Chromeに、広告をブロックするアドイン(uBlock Origin)を入れているので、私の環境からは、私のWebサイトの広告は全く見えないのです ―― "It's cool" です。

I have an add-in (uBlock Origin) in Google Chrome that blocks ads, so from my environment, I can't see any ads on my website -- "it's cool."


I seem to have a lot of hits, but as for me, it seems that "PV has nothing to do with earnings" (the following is the latest data available today).

お金を稼ぐことは大変難しいです。 お金を稼ぐ気力あっても難しいです。お金を稼ぐ気力がなければ絶望的です。

Making money is very difficult. It isn't easy, even if you have the will to make money. It is hopeless if you don't have the energy to make money.


If I disregard the law, IT-related scams and attacks seem the easiest way to make money.



When I was a rookie, my supervisor taught me a lesson.


'If you're going to commit a crime with IT, if you only get one shot at it, you're sure to win. If you get a taste of it and repeat it repeatedly, you'll end up getting your foot in the door."


Now that I think about it, I realize it was 'pretty sound advice.

そういえば、「江端 = サイバー攻撃者」というイメージをもっている人がいるように思えます。


Posted by ebata