

I am building virtual cameras in C (x Go language) for a system that requires 100 to 1000 cameras.


These virtual cameras display and transfer a given image file over the network.

この程度のプログラム、どっかのGitHubにでも落ちているだろうとと思って探してみたのですが ―― あるにはあるのですが ―― コードの規模がでかいし、環境の設定も面倒くさそうでした。

I tried to find a program like this on GitHub somewhere, but the code was too big, and the environment was too complicated to set up.


So, I ended up making my own in collaboration with ChatGPT.

―― こういうプログラムを組める人間は、もちろん、沢山いるだろうけど、世間一般では少数だろうな

-- I'm sure plenty of people can code programs like this, of course, but I'm sure there are a few in the public.


I think that.


I am trying to say, "Does 'I' who can set up such a program have market value or not?




I once wrote a column about how to build a system with Raspi(Raspberry PI), and I remember being quite surprised when I was dis-disparaged on Twitter as


'The snarky guys, bragging about his technical skills.'



A system of this level can be built by a researcher in my laboratory in one day if they have experience with Raspi and in two weeks even if they have no experience with Raspi (true).


I only wrote the building instructions in my column to "make it easier" for those who have trouble starting up from scratch, but I found it surprising that it was seen as "snarky guys."

まあ、いずれにしても、この件について、私は語るべき言葉がありません ―― それとも『嫌味を書いて申し訳ありませんでした』とでも書いて、謝罪すればいいのかな?

Well, in any case, I have no words to say on the matter -- or should I write 'I'm sorry for writing sarcasm' and apologize?

私は、音楽の作曲もできないし、楽器の演奏もできないし、歌だって上手く歌えません。スポーツは全般に運動音痴ではありませんが、そういうことができる人を、『自分の技能を自慢している、嫌味な奴』とは思うことはありません ―― 興味がないことはあっても。

I can't compose music, play an instrument, or even sing well. I'm not generally athletically inclined, but I don't think of people who can do those things as 'snarky guys, bragging about their skills' -- even if I'm not interested in them.

「そういう人は、自分の回りが『嫌味や奴』であふれていて、ずいぶん世の中が生きにくいのだろうな』とは思います ―― 『気の毒に』ではなく『ざまあみろ』と思っていますが。

I believe that such people must have a tough time living in the world because they are surrounded by "snarky guys. I don't feel sorry for them, but rather, "Suck it up."


で、最初の話に戻るのですが、「こういうプログラムを組める『私』には、市場価値があるのか、それとも、ないのか」ですが ――

So, back to my original question, "Is there a market value for 'me' to be able to put together a program like this?"


The market value of this matter has changed significantly with the advent of generated APIs (ChatGPT, etc.).


I see two possible futures for this.


(1) Since the program is automatically generated, "I" who can set up such a program no longer has a market value.


(2) "I" who can point out the mistakes and instruct the correction to the program created by the generating AI will further increase its market value.


I don't know which way this (1)(2) will go (I don't know).


Either way, I cannot change that trend, so I must watch it.



Another concern is "programming education" incorporated into the compulsory education process.


(1) Programming education is no longer necessary because the generative AI automatically generates programs for you.


(2) Programming education is also necessary to develop human resources capable of pointing out errors in programs created by generative AI and instructing them to correct them.


Now, in which direction will the world fall?


I plan to observe this direction closely for the rest of my life.


Posted by ebata