―― あの若いころの、無駄に高いフットワーク(しかも命中率は恐しく低い)は、一体何だったのだろう?


I was pleased to find that my coding goal for the day was to be able to divert a test program I had created long ago.


I had some free time, so I was coding another experimental system.


My sister calls me a "craftsman's way of life," my second daughter calls me a "reserve army for death from overwork," and my wife calls me a "happy life.


I would normally be fine with a "mediocre life."


But this is not only my fault but the world's too.


If you'd instead go to the movie theater, Amapura or Netflix are better (and you can watch movies while you work), and if you want to watch sports, TV is the best way to get the best angle on the players; it has commentary.


I know the importance of taking action.



My twenties, wandering the world, taught me that the government of another country and its people are different and that a wrong choice can easily lead to a deadly scene. my thirties, experiencing both heaven and hell in a foreign multinational team


Since my 40s, I have come to realize that "giving up" can also be an "optimal strategy," and now I am fixed on a way of life in which I "run away from troublesome things as much as possible.


I am now a senior citizen consuming assets (savings) from past "actions" with blogs, essays, and coding.


―― あの若いころの、無駄に高いフットワーク(しかも命中率は恐しく低い)は、一体何だったのだろう?

-- What was that high footwork in his youth (with a low hit rate)?


I sometimes think about this.


The footwork has many meanings, and it makes sense to think that one of them would have been 'the engine of "love" and "marriage."'


Today, the rate of nonmarriage is increasing at a faster rate than I expected ten years ago. However, if you think logically about "love" and "marriage," choosing nonmarriage is the optimal strategy.


It is difficult to make the irrational behavioral choice of "love" or "marriage" unless you are young when kinetic energy is wasted.


There is undoubtedly an aspect of 'if you think about it, you lose' that only concerns these two things.


It may be a bad habit of mine to link everything to "love" and "marriage" while writing "love" and "marriage."


Now, let's return to the main subject



In a column by psychiatrist Hideki Wada, they said, "What is important is not 'how long I live,' but 'what do I want to do with my long life?


This column is a good argument but does not apply to me.



I have repeatedly defended young people who "don't know" what they want to do.


『自分のやりたいことが分からない』という方は、多分、ご自分のことを「不幸な人間」と思っているかもしれませんが ―― 『意外に、それは最高の人生なのかもしれないですよ』ということを、お伝えしたくて。


However, I realized I had not considered older people who "don't know" what they want to do.


To put it more bluntly, older people who "don't have anything they want to do" do not know how to live the rest of their lives.


This proposition involves a rather scary problem.


Young people who "don't know what they want to do" can become a value-producing device for the labor force even if they don't know what they want to do.


In contrast, older people who "don't have anything they want to do" are less likely to be in labor.


However, I have shown the logic that 'cared older people" become a valuable asset (asset) that supports Japan's GDP.


So, in the future, I will say, 'I will be a caretaker with dignity and contribute to our country's economy,' so that side is taken care of.



The problem is myself. I have to solve this.


In other words, how to position "I, an elderly person who does not know what I want to do" and "I, an elderly person who does not have what I want to do" in my mind (x society).


I believe that "I am an elderly person who does not know what I want to do" and "I am an elderly person who does not have what I want to do"; therefore, I need to find the "X" part by myself, which is the significance of "X."


However, this is a very tough proposition.


Because I have to find this proposition under the constraining conditions, my strength and ability are declining, and my performance and footwork continue to degenerate.


In addition, I also have the troublesome attribute of being a misanthrope.

そんなものは見つけられなかった ―― そういうオチになる公算は高いのですが、まあ、がんばってみます。

I couldn't find such a thing -- that's the most likely outcome, but I'll try my best.


Posted by ebata