音声AI:「だからぁ! 津波警報が発令されてヤバいんだってば! 死にたくなければ、直ぐに逃げろ!! 40秒で支度しな!!」



For the first time in decades, I received an invitation to a wedding and reception (except for the initial return postcard requesting my attendance). Still, it seems that all subsequent information is now done online.


I would have been invited to these events more often (maybe once every few years?). If I had been invited, I would have felt comfortable. However, due to the gap of decades, I had no idea that this kind of situation existed.


This system is a win-win for both event management and participants.


I'm envious of them.



I tried to do the same thing for our wedding via email and email web (my website), but I could not get it to work.


At that time, cell phones, let alone smartphones, were not widespread; email was only used by those with a PC, and even fewer people had PCs.



However, the scary thing about such a system is that if you miss even one instruction from this system, you can easily be eliminated from the event.


For example, missing a notice from school or work may cause a student to miss a due date for a document or report and fail to earn credits or stay in school, or fail to prepare for an event at all and find out about it on the day of the event and ruining it.


Before the system was implemented, fail-safes worked, such as an administrator calling me directly on the phone to warn me, but now there are no such things.


Now, I have to be vigilant and jittery to ensure I don't miss any communication from the system.


Still, it is good when a close friend acts as that safety net, but it is a matter of life and death for a lonely person like me with no friends.


Of course, the system also gives warnings, but warnings from the system are easy to miss.


Because we cannot distinguish between what is urgent enough to "get a call direct."



Nevertheless, returning the "win-win system for event management and participants" to the previous analog system would be impossible.


If so, what comes next,

―― 相互に会話でき、緊急性や重要性を音声に込めることのできるAIの開発

"The development of AI that can talk to each other and put urgency and importance into voice."


That might be coming.


The image is something like this?


Ebata: "So, what do you mean?"

音声AI:「あと2日以内に授業料を納付しないと、退学になります! 振り込みしなくていいから、とにかく現金もって窓口に来て!!」

Voice AI: "If you don't pay the tuition fee within the next two days, you will be expelled from the school! You don't have to transfer the money. Just come to the counter with the cash!


It's a conversational (threat) AI that urges us to take action, shouting。


Yes, this system seems applicable in a wide range of fields.

音声AI:「だからぁ! 津波警報が発令されてヤバいんだってば! 死にたくなければ、直ぐに逃げろ!! 40秒で支度しな!!」

Voice AI: "That's why it is a tsunami warning, and you're in trouble! If you don't want to die, get out now! You have 40 seconds to get ready!


Thus, we will need an AI to call and threaten us.


This AI is especially true in a situation like our country's current one, where the "Nankai Trough Warning" has been issued.



Posted by ebata