―― ラズパイ(Raspberry PI)程度の軽量ハードで、OSSをダウンロードして、DIYでシステム構築できる程度の『宗教』


I am tired of all the troublesome and unpleasant things that have happened to me lately.


This tiredness is a bad sign.


I have been analyzing and thinking about society, others, and myself in various logical ways to get through, but recently, I am starting to feel that I may have reached my limit.


My wife has always been an essential partner in my life and has helped me in many ways, but I can't throw all the darkness in my heart to her, and I don't think she would accept it either.




I am willing to do anything as long as they can do something about this "fatigue."


However, I quit drinking alcohol after much effort, and I believe in the rule of law, so I want to avoid illegal activities (including marijuana and drugs). I don't want to be addicted to something that brings me more pain than pleasure.


That is why I have recently been in the mood to 'start a religion.


However, as I have already researched religious methods, "major religions" may not be a good idea.


Irrational rules or religious groups that say things in imperative form are probably no good (on the contrary, I would start a campaign to destroy such groups). It would also be challenging to deviate from the world's common sense.


It's hard to explain the image,

―― ラズパイ(Raspberry PI)程度の軽量ハードで、OSSをダウンロードして、DIYでシステム構築できる程度の『宗教』

'"Religion" to the extent that you can download OSS and build a DIY system on lightweight hardware as small as Raspberry PI.'


The above is my ideal of religion.


To put it more simply, it is the image of a cheap book sold in convenience stores under the title "Create Your Own God in Just One Day.


The contents are as follows.

■教義: 私(江端)のみの救済と、運が良ければ他の人も救済。世界がどうなろうと知ったことか。

-Doctrine: Salvation for me (Ebata) only and others if they are lucky. I don't care what happens to the world.

■目的: 私(江端)の精神の安定、特にうつの解消とアンガーマネージメント

-Purpose: To help me (Ebata) stabilize my mental health, especially to relieve depression and anger management.

■その他: 信徒は私一人のみ。神さまの存続期間は、私の死亡時をもって消滅

-Others: I am the only member of the congregation. God's duration of existence expires at the time of my death.

『DIY(Do It Yourself)宗教』というコンセプトは新しそうですが、既存の宗教構築メソッドがあれば、それを活用させて頂きたいと思います。

The concept of a 'DIY (Do It Yourself) religion' sounds new, but if there are existing methods of religion building, we would like to use them.


I look forward to hearing from you and your readers.


ちなみに ――

Incidentally --


'Do you have any religious recommendations?' I asked my wife, and she was freaked out.

―― 『私は、意外に、簡単にカルト宗教にハマるタイプかもしれない』と思い当たり、ゾッとしている


Posted by ebata