『出会わなければ、だれも不幸にならない』 ―― という、ネガティブ思考は、私の「主軸」だったりします。

「勤勉は貧困の一症状である」―― これは、故小田島隆さんのエッセイにあった一節ですが、非常に的を得たフレーズだと思います。

"Diligence is a symptom of poverty.” - this is a line from an essay by the late Takashi Odajima, and I think it is a very apt phrase.


If I were in a position to live my life today solely on my parents' legacy, I would not have spent my entire summer vacation spending 10+ hours coding and writing.


Because of poverty and the need for money, I am still forced to spend dozens of hours working on finding bugs or writing reports that probably no one but me will read. In addition, they are not fun.


Thanks to “moderate poverty,” I have been able to avoid confronting the “essence” of my work and research and to continue them.


I think this is something to be thankful for.


If it were not for this “moderate poverty,” I would have beaten up a few people in my life, and if I had not been so bad, I would have put my plan to hide the bodies into action.


これとは逆に、私が「適度な裕福」であったとしたらどうだろうか?  と考えてみました。

Contrary to this, what if I were “moderately wealthy?” I thought about it.


I think “moderately wealthy” makes it possible to “live without doing anything,” but in my case, “doing nothing” is quite painful, so I will probably end up doing something, I suppose.


On the other hand, I am terrible at “doing something with ‘someone.’”


In my case,

―― もしあなたと出会っていなければ

"If I had not met you."


The following phrase is never: 'I never knew I could love people so much.


I keep mocking the Heian period poets who left such poems to posterity.

『逢ひ見ての 後の心に くらぶれば 昔はものを 思はざりけり』(エピソードその1)です

"Compared to how my heart feels after meeting you, I realize that in the past, I did not truly know what it meant to long for someone." (Episode #1).


In my case, 

―― もしあなたと出会っていなければ

"If I had not met you."


the next phrase would be, 'I would never have thought of beating you up.

『出会わなければ、だれも不幸にならない』 ―― という、ネガティブ思考は、私の「主軸」だったりします。

Negative thinking, such as, “If we don't meet, no one will be unhappy,” is my “mainstay.


Back to the story.



From the above, if I were “moderately wealthy” I would have no choice but to “do something alone”.


However, when the “something” is “doing something alone,” and that “something” is not essential for me, it seems complicated to find that “something.


In my case, I think I am going back to being an alcoholic.

―― 過去の不摂生な生活は、そこから脱した後でも、私たちを許してくれない



Think of it this way,

『生死に関わる貧困 <<<< 適度な裕福 < 適度な貧困』

'Life-or-death poverty <<<< moderate wealth < moderate poverty'


This relationship seems (to me)  true.


Still, I can't stop my longing for “unearned income.”


Posted by ebata