■ 在席中に、平気で放屁する人がいて、その臭いが物凄くて嘔吐しそうになる



(Continuation from yesterday)


In that sense, it can be said that criticizing the "age of odor" is unfair discrimination.


Nonetheless, if the subject of "age-old smell" neglects efforts to prevent the stink, they should be criticized.



On the other hand, I think that it can not be included in the category of "age-old smell," which occurs only in the summer and gives me body blowing and loss of memory—it is a burning stink.


Because it occurs only in "summer".


Of course, I think that the level will change significantly depending on the constitution, climate, how to work (outside sales and physical labor), and the time of that labor.


However, I do not think that it must be accepted unconditionally.


That "burning stink" is as good as I can say "violence," and it gives strange pain to others.



The troublesomeness of this problem, is


"Stink that we can not recognize and be aware of on your own will scatter with" zero badness."



Because of this body stink problem, I am apprehensive about being in charge of "safety and health committee members" at the company.


Once I took the questionnaire from the company about the problem of chemical odor at the office, I looked pale. Because many e-mails that responded to the word "strange smell" came to me.

■ 隣の席の人の体臭が物凄く凄くて、仕事にならない。

- The body stink of the person next to me is terrible, so I don't work.

■ その人間が通り過ぎるだけで、煙草の臭いが物凄く凄くて辛い。

- Just the person passing in the office, and the smell of tobacco is terrible and painful.

■ 在席中に、平気で放屁する人がいて、その臭いが物凄くて嘔吐しそうになる

- There is a person who is flat with flavor, and its smell is terrible, and I am likely to vomit

そのメールには『江端さん! お願いだから助けて!!』という、悲痛な声がありました(まあ、私も含まれていたかもしれませんが)。

In that mail, there was a sorrowful voice called "Ebata-san! Please help me, please !!"


Sorry, but I cannot open the after-story because of privacy and company compliance.

いずれにしても、「事態を炎上させることで、その事態の収拾を測る」ことを得意とする、自称「マッチポンプ型リゾルバー 江端」をもってしても、この問題に手を出すことができず、私は任期を終えました。

In any case, even I, self-called "Matchpump type resolver "Ebata"" who is good at "measuring the collection of the situation by making the situation flame up", could not handle this problem, and I had finished my term.


(To be continued)


Posted by ebata