

Our country is experiencing a massive typhoon that is unprecedented in history, covering the Japanese archipelago.


It is on the verge of overrunning the entire country as it is.

今朝、町内を車で見回りしてきたのですが ―― 正直怖かった。

I drove around town this morning -- honestly, I was scared.

道路冠水箇所多数、マンホールの蓋が外れて水が吹き上がっているケース2, 土手からの流水箇所2でした。

There were many flooded areas on the road, 2 cases where maintenance hole covers had come off, and water was blowing up, and two areas where water was running down from the banks.


Our house is 100 meters from a wooded area on the county border.


Although the hazard map shows it is “safe,” I cannot say that a mudslide will never hit my house.



I am sleep-deprived after being knocked up by two emergency alerts since last night.


The second alert was the issuance of an “evacuation order.


But where to?


Our house is on higher ground than the community center by the pond.


When a mudslide occurs, I can predict the initial damage is approximately there.


At present, Ebata's house seems to be “overwhelmingly” safer (see “Ebata Family Instructions”).




According to the comic & anime “Jormungandr,” it is predicted that “wars in the 21st century will go from ‘energy wars’ to 'water wars.


Indeed, water is more directly related to survival than energy. Climate change in the last decade seems to have caused widespread drought damage worldwide.


The Horn of Africa region, which includes Ethiopia, Somalia, and Kenya, and the western region of the United States, especially California, Arizona, Nevada, Australia, and South America (Brazil), are likely that


Meanwhile, in our country, in the past few years, a massive typhoon that has heated the Pacific Ocean waters into an enormous chunk of water source has been spewing all of its water over the land of Japan.


1 typhoon, 20 billion tons on average.


I asked ChatGPT about this, and he said that this is the equivalent of about 74 days of water from Niagara Falls.


So, I requested ChatGPT to give me a Fermi estimate of how much water this typhoon is bringing in, and it said it is “392.5 billion tons”.

ナイアガラの滝約1452日間分 → 4年間分

Niagara Falls approx. 1452 days → 4 years


This typhoon is on a scale that could sink all of Japan in a typhoon.


(Well, the ChatGPT calculations are eyebrow-raising, so they are for reference only (it is not uncommon to find a “two-digit difference” when calculating).



We are very grateful that our country is rich in water. However, we do not wish to see the Japanese archipelago submerged.

自然の方でも、色々配慮して欲しい ―― と、私は、本気で思っています。

I hope that nature will give much consideration -- and I mean it.


Posted by ebata