「地道に働いている人が一番エライ」と考える日本人と、「運を見逃さずに努力して成功した人が一番エライ」と考える米国人の国民性の違いだ ―― とは、よく言われています。


The “politics and money issue” has always been a problem in our country.


Countless resignations and government changes have occurred due to “politics and money issues.”


Undoubtedly, the concept of “money = evil” has become entrenched in our country.





"Harris Campaign Raises Over $500 Million After Biden's Withdrawal - Clear Tailwind.”


As seen from the article “Money = Power” in the United States, if you are not careful, politics operates on the concept of “money = justice.”

これは「地道に働いている人が一番エライ」と考える日本人と、「運を見逃さずに努力して成功した人が一番エライ」と考える米国人の国民性の違いだ ―― とは、よく言われています。

It is often said that this is the difference in national character between the Japanese, who believe that “those who work steadily are the most elated,” and Americans, who say that “those who work hard and succeed without missing their fortune are the most elated” -- a common saying.



The following briefly explains the U.S. treatment of Japanese political contributions.


(1) U.S. Political Contributions

  • 米国では、政治献金は非常に一般的であり、選挙運動の主要な資金源
  • 個人や企業、政治行動委員会(PAC)が候補者や政党に対して寄付を行うことは合法。 献金額に上限なし。
  • 米国の選挙文化や法制度として根付いており、支出の開示の透明性が高い
  • Political contributions are widespread in the U.S. and are a significant source of campaign funding.
  • It is legal for individuals, corporations, and political action committees (PACs) to contribute to candidates and political parties. There is no cap on the amount of contributions.
  • It is ingrained in the U.S. electoral culture and legal system, and there is a high degree of transparency in the disclosure of expenditures


(2) Political Contributions in Japan

  • 政治献金に対する規制が厳しく、特に企業や団体からの政治献金には制限ある
  • 過去に政治と金のスキャンダルが多発し、それが社会に対する信頼を損なった歴史的な背景に因る
  • Strict regulations on political donations, especially restrictions on donations from corporations and organizations
  • This background is due to the history of many scandals involving politics and money, which have damaged public trust in society.


The general point is that while political contributions are widely accepted as part of campaign activities in the U.S., in Japan, political contributions are criticized as opaque, partly due to past scandals.


In a word, “clean” has a different meaning.


Clean in the U.S. means “full disclosure,” while clean in Japan means “clean, poor, and beautiful.



My thinking is “money = unimportant.”


I have one point of contention.

―― 政治に関わる金は、1円単位まで全部開示しろ

"Disclose all money involved in politics down to the penny."


(Is it a side of the U.S.?).



Adults, children, and foreign governments, all without exception.


If you donate money to a political party, you should be prepared to be “exposed.”


Large corporations that donate to all political parties may be criticized for being “unscrupulous.” Still, they can reopen the situation and say, “This is a political portfolio” or “It's an organizational safety net.

少なくとも私は非難しません ―― むしろ、組織の保身手段としては、まっとうだ、とすら思います。

I don't blame them in the least—I think it's a decent means of organizational self-preservation.



What I wonder, however, is that there are no Japanese who are shouting at the U.S. electoral system, saying, “This is wrong! I wonder why no Japanese are shouting, “It's terrible!


I tried looking for one, but I could not find it.


Posted by ebata