『200億円も2兆円も、同じように「たくさんのお金」』と思考停止するのをやめて、「億割り」をしてみると、ちょっとお金への見方が変わるかもしれません ―― 大抵の場合「腹が立つ方向」になりますが。


As city residents, 20 billion yen and 2 trillion yen are equally “a lot of money.


(I may have written about this somewhere before.) To understand the scale of this project, I am using the “100 million yen split” method.

200億円 ÷ 1億円 = 200円

20 billion yen ÷ 100 million yen = 200 yen

2兆円 ÷ 1億円 = 2万円

2 trillion yen ÷ 100 million yen = 20,000 yen



This “100-million-yen division” can be grasped in the image of a per capita burden, considering the population of Japan as roughly 100 million people.


As for the Ebata family, we would do x3 to this.



At the time of the Hokkaido Takushoku Bank bankruptcy, the total nonperforming loans announced was 2,343.3 billion yen.


The Japan Bank did not make a particular loan at this time, but assuming that it had been made and considering this on a “100-million-yen division” basis


I believe that the Hokkaido Takushoku Bank's bailout cost me about 24,000 yen, and the Ebata family at that time had to pay 100,000 yen in blood taxes.


This way, I think we can see our money much more quickly.


Japan's annual budget for space development is about 300 billion yen, so my cost would be 3000 yen/year, or about 10,000 yen for my family.


If it is the cost of personal space exploration, this is the least I would be willing to pay.


Japan's R&D budget (R&D budget) is about 4 trillion yen annually, which means 40,000 yen for me personally and 120,000 yen for the Ebata family.


Well, I thought this was inevitable.


The cost of long-term care services is like this.


It's hard to break it down because taxes, insurance premiums, etc., are all mixed in, but they seem to take about 100,000 yen a year.

という訳で、『200億円も2兆円も、同じように「たくさんのお金」』と思考停止するのをやめて、「億割り」をしてみると、ちょっとお金への見方が変わるかもしれません ―― 大抵の場合「腹が立つ方向」になりますが。

Therefore, if you stop thinking that '20 billion yen and 2 trillion yen are equally “a lot of money”' and try to “divide by 100 million,” your view of money may change a little -- although it will usually be in the “angry” direction.



Posted by ebata