

I have previously contributed a column on how the most potent diet is a “recording diet.


私のレコーディングダイエットは、簡単です ―― 毎日、体重計に乗るだけです。

My recording diet is simple -- get on the scale every day.


However, I try to match the conditions as much as possible. In my case, it is immediately after I wake up in the morning and defecate without eating or drinking.



As I write in this column,


―― つまりですね、

-- In short,

  • 自分は、何時ごろに何を食べたら太りやすいのか
  • その逆に、自分の体重を減らす為に最も効果のある食べ物は何なのか
  • バイキングレストランに行った影響は何日後に体重に表われ出すのか
  • ダイエットを開始した場合、『どのくらいの期間、”停滞期”を我慢しなければならないのか』 
  • What foods do I eat, at what time of day, and what makes me gain weight?
  • Conversely, what foods are most effective in helping me lose weight?
  • How many days after going to a buffet restaurant will I notice the effects on my weight?
  • How long will I have to endure “plateaus” if I start a diet?


I ask about my body directly, such as “my body condition."


Ebata: “Black Box Approach*) ......”


(*) How can one understand a system without fully understanding the system's internals, using only the system's movements to date?



I am still doing this.


After years of doing this, I will begin to understand my “body” system (although I will not understand diseases, etc.).



I am happy when weight loss progresses, but I cannot be too happy when I know exactly what is causing it.


In my case, I know that almost 100% of my weight loss is due to “mental” factors.

最近、私の体重の減量と増量が、無視できないくらい激しいです ―― だいたい、コーディングか論文の悪夢で目が覚める時期は、そんな感じです。

Lately, my weight loss and gain have been too intense to ignore -- usually around the time I wake up with a coding or paper nightmare.

―― ドキュメントダイエット、コーディングダイエット


The important thing is to recognize that this is “the period.”

『いつまでも、この状態が続く』ことはない、と信じることです ――  実際、信じなければ、やってられません。

I have to believe that it won't “stay that way forever” -- in fact, I cannot help if I don't think it.


Posted by ebata