

Weighing is always subject to error.


So, we should not be upset about an increase of 0.5 kg or so, and we should not be happy about a decrease of 0.5 kg.


While many people may say, 'I just need to lose weight,' there are a certain number who don't.

―― 「また食事を摂らなけばならない」と思うだけで、明日が来るのが怖い



On the other hand, I am not neglecting my efforts to reduce my weight by 0.1 kg by taking various measures, such as the way I ride the scale (bending forward as much as possible) and the place where I place the scale (on the carpet, not on the floor).


If the weight has increased by 0.1 kg since yesterday, I will consider the cause, and if it has decreased, I will still consider the cause.


0.5kgくらいの増加にクヨクヨするものではないし、0.5kgくらいの減少に喜ぶものでもありません ――

It is not something to cringe at an increase of 0.5 kg or so, nor to rejoice at a decrease of 0.5 kg.


So, manipulating ( not fraudulent) weight by as little as 0.1 kg through cheating use of the scale is not a big problem.


I wonder how 'my behavior as a researcher & engineer would be.'



Posted by ebata