

The NHK drama “Saka no Ue no Kumo” is finally being re-aired.


I think they should stop making the unique programs the NHK makes every year and instead re-broadcast this drama “Saka no Ue no Kumo” every year at the end of the year.


なんで、数学や英語や歴史や科学や ―― いわゆる、私たちの生活に関係のないことを学ばなければならないの?

Why do we have to learn things like math, English, history, science, and other things unrelated to our lives?


The reason for the phrase that every citizen has probably said at least once is actually in this drama.


(Click to go to the column)



This fact shows that the elite training curriculum for naval officers is being followed as it is now in the education process for children in Japan.


However, most of us Japanese

  • エリート意識など欠片(かけら)もなく、
  • 立身出世の野心もなく、
  • 国家のリーダーとなる自覚なんぞ絶無で、
  • ただ日々平穏に生きていきたいだけ
  • have no sense of being elite,
  • no ambition to make a name for ourselves,
  • no awareness that we will become leaders of the nation,
  • and we want to live peacefully every day



Nevertheless, we are forced to undergo education that cultivates “super” elites, ignoring their qualities (abilities and talents).


(Excerpt from the column)



In other words, we Japanese have a “huge success experience” in the form of “Saka no Ue no Kumo.”

この『でっかい成功体験』が、「私たちの生活に関係のないことを学ばなければならないの? 」の理由です。

This “huge success experience” is the reason for “Why do we have to learn things that have nothing to do with our lives?”.

そして、「私たちの生活に関係のないことを学ばなければならないの? 」を"その通り"としてきた国が、帝国主義の時代にあって、列強諸国の喰い物(植民地支配とか、市場の独占とか、安い労働力の提供とか)にされてきたことは事実です。

It is true that countries that have said, “Do we have to learn about things that have nothing to do with our lives?” have been preyed upon by the great powers (such as through colonial rule, market monopolies, and provision of cheap labor) during the era of imperialism.


Incidentally, as you may know, Japan, after the Meiji Restoration, 'devoured' the Korean Peninsula, the Chinese mainland, and Southeast Asia (as did the Western powers).


「私たちの生活に関係のないことを学ばなければならないの? 」に対する答えは、「侵略」と「国防」です。

The answer to “Why do we have to learn about things that have nothing to do with our lives?” is “invasion” and “national defense.”


The current Japanese constitution prohibits “invasion,” which is strictly forbidden under the current Japanese constitution and is valid for “national defense.”

「国防」という言葉のニュアンスが気にいらない人もいるでしょうから、もっと具体的に言えば 「街」「家族」「自分」を守る手段です。

Some people may not like the nuance of the word “national defense”, so to be more specific, it is a means of protecting “towns”, “family” and “oneself”.


The purpose of studying is not “academic background.” It is “self-defense”.


It's the same as karate and aikido, but the range of its applications is incomparably more comprehensive.

江端:「うん。だから数学の授業で『投資セミナーの例題を使って、等比級数と指数関数を教えれば、一石二鳥だ』と、昔から、ずっと言い続けているんだけど ―― 文部科学省って、バカなの?」



Posted by ebata