ちなみに、私、これらの技術を、全部公開しているんですけど ―― 誰一人として、引き継いでくれる気配がありません。


When I get stuck working in a team, I 'make things that work independently' without anyone's permission.


The work style is not a good measure. It is also an act of disrespect for teamwork.


Besides, “I feel troublesome.”


Making a moving object consumes a lot of time and brainpower, and I would not want to do it if possible.


Therefore, “making something that moves on its own” is a last resort.

―― という話は、これまで散々してきましたので、もう皆さんも飽きているでしょう。

-- I've talked about this so much that I'm sure you are all tired of it by now.



Nevertheless, I think “making things” must be pleasant.


My late father was a woodworker. When working as a craftsman, my father had a “craftsman's face,” but I don't think it was, at least, a “painful” face.

テレビで見る職人さん(料理、大工、鍛冶、陶芸、染色、和紙、石工、竹細工、畳、その他たくさん)も ―― 経営的な苦労はあるでしょうが ―― 『嫌々やっている』風に見えたことはありません。

The artisans I see on TV (cooks, carpenters, blacksmiths, potters, dyers, Japanese paper, stonemasons, bamboo craftsmen, tatami mats, and many others) may have to work hard to run their businesses. Still, they never seem to “hate what they do.”


Of course, there are difficulties in the creation and various restrictions (apprenticeships, traditions, supervision, rules, bindings) and other troublesome things. In my case, I am uncomfortable when others talk to me.

それでも、『生きていくだけの金はやるから、これから一切、何も作るな』は、『何を作ってもいいが、金になるかどうかは保証しないぞ』より劣るのです ―― 私の場合は、ですが。

Still, 'I'll give you enough money to live on, so don't make anything at all from now on' is inferior to 'You can make anything you want, but I can't guarantee you'll make money' -- in my case, anyway.

私が作ったモノがどうなるか ―― 金になるとか、人の役に立つとか、あるいは、他人から評価されるとか ―― そういうことは、私にはどーでもいいことです。

What happens to the things I make - whether they make money, are useful to others, or are appreciated by others - is of no concern to me.

私は『車輪の再開発? 上等だ!』と言い切れる人間なのです。

I am a person who can say, 'Wheel redevelopment? I'm a man who can say, 'Great!'



Now, let's return to the main subject



And while I'm at it, I have completed the creation of the GIS simulator temps for Hakata (although some seem buggy).


Metropolitan railroads, Kashiwa, Toyosu, Hirohama, Utsunomiya, Yamaguchi, Yokohama, Shibuya, and Hakata.


Thinking back, I have come a long way (far away).

ちなみに、私、これらの技術を、全部公開しているんですけど ―― 誰一人として、引き継いでくれる気配がありません。

By the way, I have made all these technologies available to the public. But no one seems to be willing to take them over.




Posted by ebata