私の収入の1/3は税金で取られていて、そのうちの1/3は、あなたたちの年金と医療費に持っていかれていますが? それに比べれば、私の趣味や推し活にかかるお金は、ゴミのようなものです


If you hear elderly people talking behind your back about your hobbies or spending habits, saying things like “I wonder what the young people of today are spending their money on?” be sure to say this in reply.

―― 私の収入の1/3は税金で取られていて、そのうちの1/3は、あなたたちの年金と医療費に持っていかれていますが?

"1/3 of my income is taken in taxes, and 1/3 is taken to pay for your pensions and medical expenses."

―― それに比べれば、私の趣味や推し活にかかるお金は、ゴミのようなものです

"The money I spend on my hobbies and dating is garbage compared to that."


With these two phrases, you can silence the annoying older men and women in one fell swoop.



On the way to the station to drop my daughter off this morning, I saw 3,000 students on their way to school.


Roughly speaking, the amount of tax paid by each citizen throughout their lifetime is around 100 million yen (a little on the high side).


So, to me, each of these people looks like they're moving around a wad of 100 million yen.


The sight of 300 billion yen being moved is a spectacular sight.



Seniors who are uncomfortable with the behavior of young people.


If you try to see a group of young people hanging out in front of a convenience store as a bundle of hundreds of millions of yen, you won't get so angry (it's true).



Posted by ebata