―― 大人は自由だ。大人は楽しい。大人はパラダイスだ


My daughter has tried something called “lunch in toilet food” before (I think I've written about this before, but I couldn't find it, so I'm re-posting it).


I remember praising my daughter for her challenge and saying, “Well done.”

―― 快適な閉空間での食事をする為の、積極的なトイレでの食事の利用


However, I know that many people (especially teenagers) are eating like this for more severe and pressing reasons rather than as part of a demonstration experiment like this.



The “embarrassment” described in the above diary exists in every generation, taking on different forms in each generation.


When you reach my age, being alone is not " embarrassing.” It's “cool to be alone” (although some people don't think so).


However, it is an entirely irrelevant and unimportant story for young people living in the present.

ですから、大人が、ティーンエージャに対して「一人でいることは格好いい」と語っても ―― 『この大人はバカか』と一蹴されて終りです。

So, even if an adult tells a teenager that “being alone is cool,” the teenager will think, “This adult is stupid,” and ignore them.



However, I often see adults living long lives without making much effort, ignoring this generation's values and passionately saying, “It's not shameful to be alone.”


These adults seem like “genuine idiots who we can't correct.”


There is no point in adults talking about their teenage years unless they remember how painful and difficult it was to live through them.


When we were teenagers, we must have been 'so embarrassed to be seen on our own that we would have died.'

私たちがティーンエージャに言えることといえば ―― 『とりあえず、ダラダラと生きているだけでも、いいことあるよ』と、語ってあげることだと思うのです。

The best thing we can say to teenagers is, “Even if you're just living a lazy life, good things might come.”



When my daughter was in elementary school, I gave a speech in class at a “1/2 Coming-of-Age Ceremony” (because no other people wanted to do it).

―― なにしろ、私、上から目線で、弱者に説教足れるのが大好きな「俗物」ですから


What I said was

―― 大人は自由だ。大人は楽しい。大人はパラダイスだ

“Adults are free. Adults are fun. Adults are paradise.”


―― 君たちは、"子どもでいる今が最高"と思っているかもしれないが、そうでもないぞ

"You may think that “being a child is the best,” but that's not true."

―― 大人になるにつれて、君たちはどんどん自由に、そしてもっとラクになっていく。それはこの私が保証する

"As you grow up, you will become more and more free and comfortable. I guarantee it."

―― とりあえず、今、何をしていいのか分からないなら勉強しておけ。勉強とは順位でも競争でもない。勉強は君達の自由の幅を広げるための武器だ

For now, if you don't know what to do, study. Studying is not about rankings or competition. Studying is a weapon to expand your freedom.

―― だから、あせらず、ゆっくり、こっちに来い

So, don't rush, come slowly.



I was concerned that the parents seemed more 'overwhelmed' than the children in the classroom.


The homeroom teacher was so stunned that she forgot to moderate the proceedings.


Posted by ebata