

I had a nightmare again this morning. It's the second night in a row.

Where are you going today? ―― と記載されたTeamsのチャットを見た、という夢を見ました


The nightmare I had this morning was a total mess.


This is a dream in which I am taking the “Common First-Stage Examination,” or rather, the “Center Test,” or rather, the “University Entrance Common Test.”


The test venue was a McDonald's eat-in space, and the test material handed out was a brochure with pictures of English furniture.


And the questions were also terrible.


The instructions were written in English: “Create presentation materials to appeal this furniture to customers.” The content was to create presentation materials by drawing pictures with a pencil on three blank sheets of paper. Of course, you had to create them in English.


The next question was also in English and read, “The furniture company that publishes this pamphlet is having management problems. To improve this, draft a speech to be given in front of the executives.”

―― 何の試験なんだ、これ?

"What kind of test is this?"


Furthermore, the question on the next page was to write the complete dialogue of the main character from a page of a manga called “Naruto” (I have never read this).


As I was sitting there with my head in my hands, the person sitting next to me suddenly got up and left.


As I was there dumbfounded, he laughed and said, “I've already taken the math exam, so I don't need to worry about this one, even if I get zero points,” and walked away.


(“I'm not going to forget the details of this dream,” I thought, and I started writing as soon as I turned on my computer).



I think it was a hard day yesterday.


I think it was after 3 a.m. when I finished checking every corner of the 12-page paper and sending it to my supervisor along with the summary of the revisions.


My head was sparkling, so I decided that I probably wouldn't be able to sleep, so I took a dose of “Estazolam” before going to bed, and when I woke up at seven this morning, I popped a “Diazepam” into my mouth.

―― ドキュメントダイエット、コーディングダイエット

そして、今の今まで、ずーっと上記の「大学入学共通テストの悪夢」に苦しみ続けたような気がするのですが ―― 時計を見たら正午を示していました。

And until now, I feel like I've been suffering from the “nightmare of the new university entrance test” all this time, but when I looked at the clock, it was showing noon.


My plans for today's work are already starting to fall apart.


Even though I was lying down for a long time, I now feel exhausted and sluggish, as if I had just climbed a mountain and was now coming down.

このくらい手のこんだ悪夢は、滅多に見ないのですが ―― 何かの悪い予兆なのかも知れんなぁ、と感じています。

I don't often have nightmares this elaborate, but I feel like it might be a bad omen of some kind.



If anyone can analyze this dream, I would welcome it.


I'm sure I won't believe the contents, but if it's a fun interpretation, I'll reprint it (under the Ebata Firewall, of course).


Let's laugh together.


Posted by ebata