

I had been trying out a DIY “software GPS,” so I knew our house had moved a few centimeters over the year.


More specifically,

  • 東北地方や関東地方では、太平洋プレートに押されて西向きに年間約8 cmほど移動しています。
  • 南西諸島では、フィリピン海プレートに押されて年間約5 cmほど南西方向に移動しています。
  • The Pacific Plate is pushing the Tohoku and Kanto regions westward at about 8 cm per year.
  • The Nansei Islands are being pushed by the Philippine Sea Plate and moving southwesterly at a rate of about 5 cm per year.


That's what they say.


The Japanese archipelago is moving by a few centimeters to a few dozen centimeters per year due to the movement of the tectonic plates.


A plate is a “styrofoam board floating in a pool filled with muddy water.”


And on top of this styrofoam board is the Japanese archipelago.



The entire bottom of the pool contains gas stoves, so the muddy water circulates in the pool.


The styrofoam board is located right where this mud cools and sinks to the bottom of the pool, and on top of that is the Japanese archipelago.



I've only recently come to understand the following.


(1) The styrofoam board is bent over and over by the mud in the pool, and it can't take it anymore, so it makes a “bang” sound and tries to return to its original shape. The Great East Japan Earthquake and other massive earthquakes like the Tohoku Earthquake


(2) The styrofoam board has a crack in it, and the mud in the pool makes a cracking sound as the crack widens, like in the case of a direct-hit earthquake such as the Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake (Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake).



These earthquakes are entirely different, like black and white, 0 and 1, and salt and sugar.


While the earthquake damage in (1) above is a wide-area disaster that spans multiple prefectures, the earthquake in (2) is a localized disaster, and the difference is simply the difference between “the whole of the styrofoam” and “the cracked part of the styrofoam.”


The styrofoam board floating around the Japanese archipelago has more than 2,000 cracks. This is an active fault.


Of course, the 2000 active faults make a cracking sound almost every day, and the cracks widen.


Here is a summary of earthquakes of intensity 0 or greater that occurred two days ago (September 21, 2024)


(Click to go to the Japan Meteorological Agency's page)


More than 100 earthquakes happened on this day alone.


We are riding on a ship made of styrofoam (and the ship has 2000 cracks).



With 100 to 200 earthquakes occurring daily, it's probably pointless to pray, “Please don't let a big earthquake happen (if it does, please let it happen somewhere that I have nothing to do with).”

こんなヤバイ船に乗っているのに、その準備(災害対策)をしない人は ―― 『大変な豪気』というよりは『途方もないマヌケ』と言われても仕方ないでしょう。

If you're on a boat like this and don't prepare for disasters, you can't help but be called a “ridiculous idiot” rather than a “great daredevil.”



Posted by ebata