

There is frequent news about people who “don't say hello” in the show business.


Whenever I read an article like this, I realize how lucky I am not to be part of the sickening world of show business.


The fact that such matters make the news indicates “the low level of this industry.”

本来、挨拶は基本的な社会的礼儀であり、ニュースにするような話ではない ―― と、私は思っています。

Greetings are a matter of basic social etiquette and should not be made into a news story.


The way it is treated as if it were a severe incident and becomes news seems to symbolize how shallow the values of the entertainment world are.


The above shows that the world of show business relies too much on superficial behavior and impressions rather than essential professionalism.


The show business world, which should be a place where the talents and abilities of celebrities are evaluated, seems to have lost sight of actual values by “incident” everyday etiquette and behavior through overinterpretation.


Furthermore, while some celebrities are criticized for not saying hello, the fact that we (the viewers) and the media consume this news for no reason reveals a similar low-quality level.


In both cases, I think it is possible to see that being criticized or praised for a simple greeting reveals just how small-minded the entertainment industry's values are.



However, I do not mean to belittle this “greeting.”


On the contrary, I am currently producing many papers for my PhD thesis using this material.

わーい! 論文賞、もらったーー!!

挨拶は、社会的関係資本(Social Capital:SC)や主観的幸福感(Subjective Well-Being:SWB)を強化する道具として重要な役割を果たしています。

Greetings are essential for strengthening social capital (SC) and subjective well-being (SWB).



Greetings are essential for building people's trust and networks and strengthening community connections. Cooperation and mutual support are promoted by deepening relationships with people you know and neighbors, increasing SC.


Greeting people also significantly impacts one's SWB. Exchanging greetings daily reduces feelings of isolation and increases feelings of self-affirmation and psychological stability. Receiving greetings makes you feel recognized, which in turn improves your sense of happiness.


As you can see, greetings are essential for strengthening social connections and increasing personal happiness, and they are of great value.



The problem is that the world has decided that the effect (SC, SWB) of this “greeting” cannot be quantified.


Initially, you all gave up on it, thinking, “We can't calculate them.”


My challenge is to make this something that can be used anywhere in the world, at any time, like a 'unit of temperature or a unit of length.'


To achieve this grand ambition, I have devoted every weekend and all my long holidays to creating simulation programs (and writing papers) for the past two years.



If my calculation method is established, it may lead to a review of the entertainment world's “greeting supremacy,” which I think is beneath my dignity at the moment.


As a result, the 'greetings' in the entertainment world have become.

ー 単に礼儀としての側面だけでなく、敬意を示す行為としての重要な役割を果たし、

- not just as a matter of politeness but also as an essential act of showing respect,

ー 長い歴史を通じて、挨拶は相手に対するリスペクトを示し、仕事を円滑に進めるための基本的なコミュニケーションの道具であり、

- throughout its long history, greetings have been an essential communication tool for showing respect to the other party and for ensuring that work progresses smoothly

ー 先輩や目上の人に対して敬意を持った態度を示すことが求められる芸能界において、挨拶はその人の品性やプロ意識を測る指標である

- in the entertainment world, where it is expected that you should show respect to your seniors and superiors, greetings are a measure of a person's character and professionalism


And maybe re-evaluated as such.


In addition, the characteristics of the unique space that is the entertainment world

ー 単に個人の才能や魅力に依存するのではなく、人と人との信頼関係や礼節によって成立していること

- which is not simply dependent on the talent and charm of individuals but relationships of trust and politeness between people establish it.



ー 挨拶を軽視するような風潮が広がると、芸能界特有の秩序や人間関係が崩れかねないというリスクを負っていること

- if a trend of neglecting greetings spreads, there is a risk that the unique order and human relationships of the entertainment world could collapse


I can investigate them quantitatively.

『「挨拶」をしないと、芸能界という世界が崩壊するかもしれない」ということが定量的に示されれば ―― 私は、「芸能業界の程度の低さ」などという自分の認識を改め、発言を撤回し、自己批判し、その効果をロジックと数値で示したいと思っています。

If “the world of the entertainment industry might collapse if they don't exchange greetings,” - I would like to change my perception of the “low level of the entertainment industry,” retract my comments, criticize myself, and show the effects of this using logic and figures.



There are many cases where my arguments and beliefs have been changed by calculations I have done myself.

自分の行った計算によって、自分の考えが覆されるのであれば ―― エンジニアとして本望です。

If my calculations overturn my ideas, then as an engineer, that is my genuine hope.


Posted by ebata