


The other day, I went on an overnight trip to Hakone with my family.


My wife said she won the event for the experience stay. She is a good wife.


And so, the family went around the standard tourist attractions of Hakone.

特に、今回は「美術館」を重点的に回りました ―― 次女の現状(高校の美術部部長)と、将来(デザイン学)へのインスパイアになれば、とも考えていました。

In particular, this time we focused on the "museums". I also hoped that my junior daughter's current situation (head of the high school art club) and it helps her future (design studies).



I can't say that I'm an art lover, but still, I like looking at art to the extent that I can say "I like it or not".


I was surprised to find myself as if my soul had slipped away, when I was standing in front of a painting in a museum in Paris, France,

―― なぜ、こんな素晴しい人類の至宝が、この国の国民から(以下省略)

"Why such a great treasure of humanity from the people of this country (hereinafter omitted)"


I was thinking about how rude it was, and so on.


At that time, I was in a meeting for a few days, and I was really pissed off.


うん、ある国の一部の人間の挙動だけを見て、その国の国民の全てを非難するなどというとは ―― ネットでしか騒ぐことしかできない一部のバカに任せておけばいいのです。

Yeah, you can leave it to some idiots who can only make noise on the net, just watching only the behavior of some people in a country and blaming all the people of that country.


Confusing "nation" with "people" is a disservice to the understanding of the country, and


Not trying to verify the facts with their own eyes and ears is not fair.


Well, aside from that.



I also thought I was a pretty slow viewer at the museum, but I couldn't compete with my daughter's concentration.


The first day at the "Forest of Sculpture", of course, and the second day at the "Okada Museum of Art", my daughter set a record of four hours in the museum.


Our family was able to get a good sleep in a chair in the exhibit room and get some rest.

She said that


"I thought I was going to look around at a very fast pace"


and I understand


"I see. This is the human quality of 'the director of the art department'".



Posted by ebata