


I saw news about a trial in which a driver was charged with dangerous driving, resulting in death, for causing the death of a motorcyclist by turning right at an intersection at three times the legal speed limit (194km/h).


I didn't know the difference between “vehicular manslaughter” and “professional negligence resulting in injury or death,” so I did some research.


The difference between “vehicular manslaughter” and “professional negligence resulting in injury or death

項目 危険運転致死傷害 業務上過失致死傷害
定義 飲酒や薬物使用、著しいスピード違反など、故意に危険な運転を行い、他人を死傷させる行為 運転手の注意義務違反によって発生する死亡・傷害
対象となる行為 飲酒・薬物運転、暴走運転、過度な速度違反、信号無視などの危険行為 不注意による事故、過失による死傷
法的根拠 刑法第208条の2 刑法第211条
罰則 より重い罰則(懲役最大15年または20年 比較的軽い罰則(懲役最大5年または罰金
故意性 故意または極めて重大な過失 過失
対象者 危険な運転行為を意図的に行う者 一般的な過失運転者
飲酒運転での暴走事故、無謀な速度での追い越し 居眠り運転、標識見落としによる衝突事故


I see. I understand that it is difficult to prove “intentionality” when it comes to dangerous driving causing injury or death (the same applies to murder, which cannot be established without “intent to kill”).


I also looked into the following.


■ From past court cases, cases where it was clear to the general public that the offense was “vehicular manslaughter due to dangerous driving,” but it was not applied, and an overview of these cases

事例 概要 争点 判決
飲酒運転による死亡事故 被告人が飲酒後に交差点で赤信号を無視し、横断中の歩行者に衝突し死亡させた。 アルコールの影響で正常な運転が困難かどうかが争点となった。 裁判所は酩酊状態が「正常な運転が困難」と認められず、業務上過失致死罪が適用。
てんかん発作による死亡事故 被告人はてんかんの持病があり、発作の危険性を認識しながら運転。発作中に歩行者と衝突し死亡させた。 発作の危険性を認識していたが、運転を続けたことから危険運転致死罪の適用が検討された。 発作頻度や体調管理から危険運転致死罪の適用は難しいとされ、業務上過失致死罪が適用。
無免許運転による死亡事故 被告人が無免許でスピード違反を犯し対向車線にはみ出して衝突、相手運転者を死亡させた。 無免許運転やスピード違反の悪質性から危険運転致死罪の適用が検討された。 無免許やスピード違反は悪質だが、「正常な運転が困難」と認定されず、業務上過失致死罪が適用。


■ Details of the court case in which “vehicular manslaughter” was applied

事例 概要 争点 判決
飲酒運転での死亡事故 被告人が大量の飲酒後に運転し、信号無視で交差点に突入。歩行者に衝突し死亡させた。 アルコールの影響で正常な運転が困難な状態であったかどうか。 裁判所は飲酒量と行為の悪質性を考慮し、危険運転致死罪を適用。
薬物使用運転での死亡事故 薬物使用により正常な判断ができない状態で運転し、対向車に衝突し相手を死亡させた。 薬物の影響で正常な運転ができない状態にあったかどうか。 薬物影響による判断力の欠如が認められ、危険運転致死罪が適用。
極度のスピード違反による死亡事故 高速道路で法定速度を大幅に超えるスピードで運転し、他車に衝突し相手運転者を死亡させた。 極度のスピード超過により正常な運転が困難だったと判断できるか。 極端なスピード違反による危険性が認定され、危険運転致死罪が適用。


今回の事件の論点は、弁護側の主張( + 当初の地検の判断)は、

The point of contention in this case seems to be the logic behind the defense's argument (and the original decision by the district public prosecutor's office), which was that

―― 法定速度の3倍(時速194km)を出していたが、被告は"個人的な技能"によって、その高速運転を制御できていた

'Although the defendant was driving at three times the legal speed limit (194km/h), he was able to control his high-speed driving through his “personal skills”'


After that, the District Public Prosecutor's Office requested that the charge be changed to 'vehicular manslaughter due to dangerous driving,' the Oita District Court accepted this. Still, this seemed to be 'due to strong public opposition.'



So I read the “Act on Punishment of Acts Causing Death or Injury by Driving a Motor Vehicle.”


Article 2 defines “vehicular manslaughter due to dangerous driving.”


The word “speed” appears in Article 2, Paragraph 1, Items 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, and the points of contention in this case are probably Items 2 and 8.


However, “No. 8” is subject to the “AND” condition of a dangerous speed on a road where passage is prohibited, so I think this will be a simple battle with “No. 2”.



二 その進行を制御することが困難な高速度で自動車を走行させる行為

(Dangerous Driving Causing Injury or Death)
Article 2: A person who has caused injury to another person by committing any of the following acts shall be punished by imprisonment with work for a period not exceeding 15 years, and a person who has caused death to another person shall be punished by imprisonment with work for a definite term of not less than one year.
(ii) The act of driving a motor vehicle at a high speed that is difficult to control


ん? この条文の「その運行」とは、どの運行のことだろう、と、思い調べてみたのですが、法文中に定義がありません。他の条文の準用もしていないようです。

Hmm... I wondered which “operation” this article referred to, so I looked it up, but the law does not define it. It also does not seem to apply mutatis mutandis to other articles.


When I asked ChatGPT, it said, “The definition of ‘operation’ is not clearly stated in the text of the law.”


It was also said that “In the general legal interpretation and case law, ‘operation’ is understood to mean the series of actions of a vehicle traveling on the road, that is, the entire process of the driver controlling the vehicle and proceeding towards the destination.”

あれ? もし、この「運行」が、この法解釈や判例通りに適用されるとするのであれば、この事件(法定速度の3倍(時速194km))の定義が、第2条1項2号はドンピシャで適用されて、即、結審するんじゃないの?

Huh? If this “operation” is applied by this legal interpretation and precedent, then the definition of this case (three times the legal speed limit (194km/h)) should be applied precisely as per Article 2, Paragraph 1, Item 2, and the case should be concluded immediately, right?


What am I doing wrong?



Since I couldn't understand anything anymore, I decided to cry out to ChatGPT.


The following is not my opinion, so I will copy and paste it as it is.



Generally speaking, I thought, “It's difficult to judge new laws because there are so few precedents.”

裁判における「危険」の考え方が、私たちが普通に「危険」と思っていることをそのまま適用できない、というのは理解できるのですが ――

I understand that the way we think about “danger” in court cases cannot be applied as it is to what we usually think of as “danger” ――


To me, it doesn't make sense that causing the death of a driver who was turning right at an intersection at three times the legal speed limit (194km/h) is 'far less serious' than the crime of robbery and murder for illegal part-time work.

―― 借金は、『踏み倒せること』を、皆さんご存じですか?







Posted by ebata