
『ダイクストラ計算を行った結果を、(1)'Dummy Rail Line'が連続するリスト、(2)(1)'Dummy Bus Line'が連続するリスト、(3)その他のリストに分割するプログラムに改造しつつ、(1)(2)(3)はその順番通りにリストを作成し、(1)(2)(3)が、2度以上出てくる場合は、別のリストとして取得するには、どうコーディングすれば良いのか?』(読まなくていいです)

'How should I code to create lists (1) 'Dummy Rail Line' in succession, (2) 'Dummy Bus Line' in succession, and (3) other lists while modifying the program to divide the results of the Dijkstra calculation into these three lists, and to obtain a separate list if (1), (2), or (3) appears more than once? (You don't need to read this.)


I kept thinking about the coding method above until late this morning.


However, this method suddenly flashed into my mind in the morning like a revelation from heaven.


“Let's have ChatGPT create a program for us.”



I just checked to see if the program ChatGPT created is working.


I'm finally feeling relieved (I'm going to sleep for a bit now), but at the same time, I'm acutely aware that 'my brain, which is no longer thinking about problems, is getting worse and worse.'


I think this is quite a frightening thing.


すでに、この業界では、この問題の弊害が出ているそうです ―― かなり広範囲に、しかも相当に深刻な弊害です。

I hear that the harmful effects of this problem are already being seen in the industry - quite severe and widespread.


While the person who ordered the software was asking the developer questions about the content of the program they ordered, it turned out that -

- そのプログラム開発者が、プログラマとして働き始めて、1年のキャリアもないこと

- the program developer had only been working as a programmer for less than a year

- そのプログラム開発者が、"サブルーチン"とは何かを知らなかったこと(注: サブルーチンという概念を知らなかった)

- the program developer did not know what a “subroutine” was (Note: He did not know the concept of a subroutine)



It might be possible to assume that such developers mass-produce programs worldwide.


I think this is also quite a frightening thing.



Posted by ebata