As a student, I used to rotate between university, part-time job, and dormitory or boarding house.
I didn't have time to do anything else, so with my scholarship, part-time income, and food and tuition expenses, I was roughly in the black or maybe a little in the black.
# 奨学金は借金なので、トータルとしては当然に赤字ですが、返済する時間は担保されていました。
# The scholarship is a loan, so the total is obviously in the red, but the time to pay it back was secured.
So, when I had a little surplus left over, I could travel around Southeast Asia and the continent (the Japanese “yen” was the strongest currency in the world at that time).
Aside from that.
Many people who get involved in black market work are young. And almost 100% of the reasons seem to be 'debt distress.
I remember my youth. I had no interest in gambling (still don't), I had zero sensitivity in the direction of self-promotion (still don't), I had little luck with colorful love (I was dumped without my knowledge), I bought a good amount of technical books, but still, no books were expensive enough to put me in debt.
My most expensive purchase was a computer, which cost 860,000 yen at the time, which I bought with cash earned from my part-time job (by the way, this is still the most expensive PC in my history).
At the time, no decent software was available, so I had to make my own. It took a lot of time, but the software purchase cost almost nothing.
自分で購入したソフトウェア(?)と言えば、"Turbo Pascal"というPascal言語のパッケージでした(2万円くらいだったかな)。
The software(?) I purchased a Pascal language package called “Turbo Pascal” (about 20,000 yen).
And then it occurred to me.
―― 一体、やつらは、どこで借金を作っているんだ?
"Where the hell are they getting their debt?"
Students and young adults with little financial support from their families may take on debt to supplement their tuition and living expenses.
Prices are high now. I think that can lead to long-term repayment difficulties.
But, I don't know, it just doesn't feel right.
苦学生は、苦学しながらも勉学を志そうとしている人たちです ―― このような人たちが、スマホの音声ごときで強盗や殺人をするとは、考えにくい ―― 私の中で、人物像が一致しないのです。
Struggling students are people who are struggling and trying to study -- it is hard to imagine that these people would rob or murder someone over the sound of a smartphone -- the personas don't match up in my mind. I don't have the right image of the person.
ですから、私としては、『自己責任 & 免責型フードバンク』というのを、非営利かつ非公式に運用したいなぁ、と思っています。
However, as I looked into it, I thought I may have been naive in my insight.
■『奨学金の返済』 ―― これはよく分かる。就職活動に上手くいかないと、返済の目処が立たないこともあるでしょう。
- 'Scholarship repayment' -- I understand this. If you don't do well in your job search, you may be unable to afford the repayment.
■『治療費による借金』 ―― これも理解できる。でも、こちらはセーフネットの方で担保できるものもあるんじゃないかなぁ。
- 'Debt due to treatment costs' -- this is also understandable. But I think the safety net can secure some of this one.
I feel that if you go to the right place and ask for advice, you will be able to learn about approaches to solving the problem, even if it is not solved all at once.
I am also a “misanthrope” and don't like to talk to people, so I can't speak ill of others, but at any rate, I don't think there is any place where you can get advice.
As a student, I once went to the student affairs office to ask for help when I could not pay my tuition fees. In a word, the university lent me money. Even now, I have not forgotten that favor.
I think it was then that I learned for the first time that 'if you consult with people, you can see many different paths.
Of course, I don't believe that “that will solve everything,” but I think it is better to do what you can do before you do a black market job.
ちなみに『遊興費(ギャンブルやブランド品の購入)による借金』については ―― そんな奴のことは知らん。借金までして、遊ぶな、買うな、バカ。そんなことはやめて、コトコツ働いて地道に返済しろ
By the way, as for 'debt due to entertainment expenses (gambling and buying brand-name goods)' -- I don't know anyone who does that. Don't go into debt, don't play, don't buy, you idiot. Stop that kind of thing, work hard, and steadily repay your debts.
And, well, I am a pretty lousy guy who can be thoroughly ruthless about things and things I don't understand.
As you know.