


I often hear people say that their boss took credit for their work, but I've never really experienced it myself (although I may be insensitive and not realize it).

エンジニア(技術者)の成果は、大抵、エンジニア本人でなければ活用することができません ―― 逆に言うと、他人の開発した技術は、自分にとっては「呪文」のようなものです。

The results of engineers (technicians) can usually only be utilized by the engineers themselves - in other words, technology developed by others is like a “spell” to you.


Also, you cannot make corrections or amendments if you are not the engineer who wrote the patent specification. When it comes to inventions, even if you wrote the invention yourself, a year later, it will be like a “spell” that you won't understand even if you read it yourself.

つまりですね、技術というのは、属人性が高く、他人への譲渡が恐しく困難なのです ―― 技術分野や技術内容にも因るとは思いますが

In other words, technology is highly personalized, and it is tough to transfer to other people. I think this depends on the field and content of the technology.


As you know, I'm scattering notes about my skills (or something like that), but I don't feel like they're being passed on.


エンジニアって『上司に成果を取られた』と嘆く場面が、他の業種ほどは多くない ―― と、断言できるかどうかは自信はないのですが、上司や他の人に、ラクチンにその『成果』を理解してもらえるなら、私は嬉しい。凄く嬉しい。

I'm unsure if I can confidently say that engineers don't have as many occasions to lament to their superiors about the results they've achieved as people in other industries. Still, I'd be happy if my superiors and other people could easily understand the results I've achieved. I'd be satisfied.


If I can get my point across, I often feel like saying, “Take it, thief!” whether it's about the result or something else.




Posted by ebata