

Many customers say, “Forget the proposals, just bring us something that works,”


and I think they have a valid point.



(↑Click here to see the story of “10M Ethernet yellow cable” and “Make and bring a controller that is the same as it was 20 years ago.”)


私、標準化活動というものに2~3年ほど携わったことがあるのですが、その時実感したのは、―― 『標準化活動とは、先行して自社開発した製品の仕様を、その開発前の会社に押しつける活動』だということです。

I have been involved in standardization activities for a couple of years, and I realized then that “standardization activities are activities to impose the specifications of a product developed by the company ahead of the company on the company that created it before the company.


Of course, if we speak in rhetoric, we could also say that it “increases compatibility and efficiency throughout the industry and improves customer convenience.


But what is important here is that 'what is working is already there.


I, for one, have submitted a draft to a standards activity organization before, and I had no concerns about the content of that draft, good or bad.


The reason is that I coded a communication protocol for that specification, and it worked (at the laboratory level, that is).



'Establish a study committee,' 'Obtain agreement from all concerned parties,' 'Secure a budget,' 'Scrutinize the business plan,' 'Coordinate with relevant departments,' 'Conduct a risk assessment,' 'Readjust the schedule,' 'Prepare additional materials,' 'Reinvite expert opinions,' 'Seek upper management approval,' and 'Further opinion meeting.” .... I can't tell you how many of these situations I have witnessed in my engineering career.


I am sick and tired of it.


Perhaps the customers feel the same way.



In the midst of all that,

『ちなみに、これ、もう動いています』と、だけ言って立ち去る ――

I would say, “By the way, this is already working,” and walk away.


It is an absolute pleasure for an engineer to crush the “honor” of those who “call the shots” in this way.


I'll skip the details. I am still a salaried engineer.



Posted by ebata