『今、死ぬほど忙しいです』とだけ言って、 相手に何も言わせないで、一方的に会話を打ち切る(所要時間:2秒)


Whenever I receive a phone call, whether over the intercom or on the phone, I say,

『今、死ぬほど忙しいです』とだけ言って、 相手に何も言わせないで、一方的に会話を打ち切る(所要時間:2秒)、

“I'm busy to death right now,” and terminate the conversation (time required: 2 seconds).




However, few people respond in such a “cold” manner.

「みんな、やさしいなぁ」と感心します ―― いや、本心からそう思っています。

I am impressed that everyone is so kind -- well, I mean it.


I am beginning to worry that my mindset is more strange.


By the way, I have never experienced being touted downtown.


People seldom talk to a man constantly walking, his eyes fixed firmly on the road ahead and his fists clenched.


Nevertheless, suppose I detect a tout's movement. In that case, I should stop for a moment (this “momentary pause” is essential) and then start walking in a different direction from the tout's vector (most blatantly, walking backward).



Today, I have been thinking about the “motives” of these touts and telemarketers.

繁華街での客引きや、電話での営業は、私のような人間から冷たい対応を受けることが多そうで大変そうです ―― 私には到底努まりそうにありません。

Touting downtown and sales over the phone seems like a lot of hard work, as I'm sure I'd get a lot of cold shoulder from people like me -- something I'm not likely to strive for.


I looked at it from the perspective of compensation.

  • 繁華街での飲食店誘導では、1人あたり数百円〜数千円程度の報酬
  • エステや脱毛サロンの契約で、1件あたり5,000円〜2万円の報酬
  • 高額な商品やサービスの場合、1件で数十万円の報酬が得られることもある

- In the downtown area, restaurants are being introduced, from a few hundred yen to a few thousand yen per person, to guide customers to restaurants in downtown areas.
- 5,000 yen to 20,000 yen per person for a contract at an esthetic salon or hair removal salon
- For high-value products and services, a single case can earn several hundred thousand yen.


In Tokyo, the minimum wage is now over 1,000 yen, so it would seem that a regular part-time job would be fine for “leading a restaurant in a downtown area” (depends on the area. Aomori Prefecture: 853 yen per hour, Okinawa Prefecture: 900 yen per hour, Kagoshima Prefecture: 905 yen per hour).


I don't go to the so-called downtown area, but I sometimes go to Akihabara to buy parts (although I rarely go there these days because Amazon is faster). And the maids blocking the way are very disturbing.


I feel that income from “downtown restaurant induction” is about the same as a regular part-time job, but there are some advantages that regular part-time jobs do not offer, including the following.


Depending on how hard you work, you can earn more than a regular part-time job, making it attractive to those who aim for a high income in a short period of time.


-Often work only evenings and weekends to accommodate business hours, making it easy to adjust schedules, especially for students and those looking for a second job


-Because you can start without any customer service or sales experience, the entry hurdle is low for inexperienced people, and you can work immediately as long as you learn the manual and basic talk skills.




-A job that allows you to devise your speaking style and approach to achieve results and possibly utilize your creative side.


This may also be an attractive feature of the job.


'Low barriers to entry and high-income potential' may taste ... or 'feel' delicious.



I see. I was convinced that touting and phone sales have their own merits.


This reassured me that I could continue to be similarly “cold” to touts and phone salespeople.



Posted by ebata