―― このオッサン達、仕事と離れて、一人飯もできんほど「ヘタレ」なのか?
(Continuation from yesterday)
By the way, I went to work the other day after a long absence, and on my way home, I went into a Chinese restaurant, and, well, what can I say, I saw something amazing.
They are a large number of old men at a table, eating and talking loudly to each other.
He was wearing business attire, so he must be a working man.
Judging by their age and appearance, they seemed to be older than the general managers.
I don't think there were any young people among them.
―― このオッサン達、仕事と離れて、一人飯もできんほど「ヘタレ」なのか?
"Are these old men so "lousy" that they can't even eat alone, away from work?"
If they are a teenager, well, they may have no choice.
The pinnacle of their value system is the number of friends they have, and the situation where they don't have to eat alone.
Nevertheless, they are now enforcing the "eat alone" rule in their study house (according to my second daughter).
In comparison, what is the abomination of these old men?
Of course, I am not acquainted with these "old men", but I am also angry that I cannot say that they are "strangers who are 100% unrelated to me", given the location of that Chinese restaurant.
These old men may not be all old men, but looking at this ratio, it can be inferred that a significant number of males are these "lowbies".
I'm not saying that you should continue to eat alone for the rest of your life.
I'm just asking you to reflect on the fact that we already know pretty clearly how infections work, and that the medical field is in a terrible situation right now.
飲食店を応援するなら、今だけは『一人飯』という手段で応援しろ ―― いつもの私のように。
If you want to support restaurants, support them only now by means of 'eating alone' -- as I always do.
―― 仕事が終ったなら、とっとと帰れ
"When you finish your work, go home soon"
―― 仕事のことは、仕事の時間中だけで完結しろ
"Complete your work stuff only during work hours"
「飲みニケーション」などという、下らないイベントでしかコミュニケーションを維持できない「ヘタレたちの饗宴」を目の当たりにして ――
Witnessing the feast of lousy who can only maintain communication through such trivial events as "drinking communication"...
It had been a long time since I had eaten Chinese food out, and there was nothing that could make it taste worse.