SNSもブログも民意を反映するシステムではありますが ―― ラクだよなぁ、とは思います。
Both social networking services and blogs are systems that reflect public opinion, but I think they're easy to use.
Before the internet, the only form of political activism was holding placards and marching in demonstrations (of course, there was also terrorism).
To carry out this demonstration, a certain number of people, including those from distant places, had to gather under a confident leader and take unified action.
本当に大変だったですよ ―― 過去、シュプレッヒコールを2回だけ努めたことのある自治寮の寮長だった私には。
It was tough for me, who had only been in charge of the “Sprechchor” twice.
大怪我や、逮捕、拘留、下手すれば退学や解雇を覚悟して参加しなければならなかったからです。ちなみに、個人情報保護などという観念は1mmもありませんでした ―― 政治的活動は、物理的にも社会的にも『命をかけた行動』であった、ということは、(程度の差はあれ)本当だったのです。
These activities were because you had to be prepared to get seriously injured, arrested, detained, or even expelled from school or fired from your job if you got caught. Incidentally, there was not even a 1mm concept of protecting personal information - it was true (to varying degrees) that political activities were 'actions that risked your life,' physically and socially.
From this perspective, SNS and other such services have made it possible to participate in politics safely and inexpensively
これこそが、私がネット社会で目指してきた理想の姿 ―― と、なるはずだったんだけどなあ。
This was the ideal I had been aiming for in the online world.
I thought that the self-cleansing effect of the internet would naturally eliminate things like slander and fake news, but honestly, I was underestimating the situation. I was wildly, significantly underestimating it.
Although it has nothing to do with politics, I had no idea about online crimes or illegal part-time work.
人類のもつ可能性は無限大、を実感しています ―― 特に、新しい技術の負の側面の運用については、人類は天才です。
I am realizing that the potential of humanity is infinite. In particular, when it comes to applying the negative aspects of new technology, humanity is a genius.
そのような自浄作用には、その前提として、ファクトチェックとか、論理的思考や、読解力のようなものが ―― しかも、そうとうに高度な知力が必要となるのですが ―― 私を含めて、多くの人間は、そういう知性は乏しいし、そういう教育も受けていないです。
Self-cleansing requires skills like fact-checking, logical thinking, and reading comprehension. It also requires a relatively high level of intelligence, but many people, including myself, lack such intelligence and have not received such education.
The new methods of political participation have revealed unexpected negative aspects, and it seems that the only way to fix them is to use legal systems and common sense carefully.
My prediction that the world would change because of the internet was correct.
However, it completely defied my expectations as to how it would change.
I have always believed that most problems can be solved with technology, and I have solved several issues this way.
However, I'm starting to think that this way of thinking is no good.
And so I have come to this point.
―― 世界がどうなろうが、私の知ったことか
"I don't care what happens in the world."