

Last year, cars drove into crowds in a series of incidents in China, Germany, and North America.


Even in Japan, if you recall the Akihabara massacre of 2008, it is clear that this incident is a global one.


In the past, stricter punishments for such cases, such as the application or strengthening of the death penalty, were considered a practical measure. Still, considering the situation in recent years, it is clear that this is not working effectively.


To begin with, severe punishment makes no sense in cases of suicide bombings or other incidents carried out for twisted reasons such as “I want to be executed.” Instead, the death penalty is like the judiciary and society helping the terrorists achieve their goals.



I think the root of this problem is the universal human psychology of “the need for self-approval” (although it should be analyzed on a case-by-case basis, and it is dangerous to generalize).


So, when the desire to be understood and to have one's existence acknowledged is not fulfilled, it destructively manifests itself.


Terrorism is the best way to satisfy one's need for self-approval.


Not only will your face and name become well-known, but they will also investigate your past, and many people will speculate about the background and motives behind the terrorist attack.


It's a “Hare” event.


I think the following is the same: "causing a disturbance at a coming-of-age ceremony is the last ceremony of your life.”

―― 成人式の日が、死刑執行の前日

―― 大人になってからでも、人生は挽回できる




Speaking personally, I don't want to make any relation with these people.


I don't want anything to do with this kind of idiot for even one millisecond.


However, it is also true that it is difficult to deny when people say, “Many people like me are mass-producing this kind of terrorism.”

このようなテロを量産しない手段は、一つしかありません ―― 「人に優しい社会の実現」です。

There is only one way to prevent the mass production of such terrorism: the realization of a society that is kind to people.


The aim is to create a society that values human relationships, prevents social isolation, and increases social capital so everyone can feel subjective happiness.

―― で、私、そんな社会の実現に、1mmも興味ありません。

However, "I have no interest in realizing such a society."


After all, my motto is “I don't care what happens in the world.”


However, if everyone were to implement this belief of mine, as mentioned above, it would result in the mass production of unpredictable terrorism.



So, I decided to make a paradigm shift.


I think of a “society that is kind to people” not as an “aim” but as a mere “means.”


What kind of “means”?




It is a means of self-defense and avoiding a threat to my life.


If a “society that is kind to people” is a means of securing one's own life, I think it would be a trade-off that would pay off, even if it means bending some of one's own beliefs.


After all, my life is a non-negotiable, irreplaceable, irreversible asset.



As a first step toward considering a “society that is kind to people” not as an “aim” but as a mere “means,” we will start with a “society that pretends to be kind to people.”

簡単なとことでは、挨拶や声かけの推奨、形式的な「助け合い」イベントの実施、簡易な慈善活動の奨励です。もちろん、これらは、今でも実施されているかと思いますが ―― これからは"本気"でやる。

I can encourage greetings and friendly conversation, hold formal “mutual aid” events, and promote simple charitable activities. Of course, I think these things are still being done now, but from now on, I will do them “for real.”


Even if a religious organization comes to my door, I won't just turn them away coldly. I'll face them properly and have a discussion.


If they are going to preach about the wonders of God, then I will preach about the wonders of Communism, and we will mutually praise each other's beliefs, “for real.”


I also think that by using generative AI, the interface could be strengthened toward kindness.

―― 自分のエンジニアの人生の中で、もっとも優しく、かつ、的確に、技術指導をしてくれたのは、"ChatGPT"である



'Realizing a “friendly society” as a “strategy” (not “aim”)'


This policy is worth considering as a direction for society to aim for shortly.



Posted by ebata