―― 『変異株』とは、COVID-19世界における『実写版 るろうに剣心』である


Live-action adaptations of popular anime usually fail.

それでも、私は、コンテンツの二次創作を否定してはならない ―― と、言い続けてきました。

Nevertheless, I have continued to say that we should not deny the secondary creation of content.



それこそが、「実写版 るろうに剣心」のような傑作が生まれてくるために必要不可欠なことだからです。

Because that is what is essential for a masterpiece like "Live-action Rurouni Kenshin" to be born.


ところで ――

That aside...

私たちから見れば、「新型コロナウイルス SARS-CoV-2」は、人類に敵対する、最強にして最悪の憎むべき敵ではあります。

From human point of view, the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, is the strongest, worst and most hateful enemy against humanity.


However, from the point of view of the virus, it is literally just a desperate survival strategy, wanting to survive at all costs.


If human's primitive strategy (no contact) is 100% enforced, this infection (COVID-19) can be 100% exterminated.




In fact, I believe that our country has so far managed to push COVID-19 to the brink of extinction.


On the other hand, the COVID-19 continues to make an unyielding effort to spread and infect us without missing a single moment of our carelessness (drinking parties, banquet)

一方、人間たちも、なにふり構わず、COVID-19たちとの殲滅戦争を展開しています ―― 国家レベルの体制で。

But the humans too are waging the war of annihilation against COVID-19, with no regard for the economic sacrifice -- on a national level.


So, in order to survive, COVID-19 continues to marry (or more accurately, "cross" and "mutate") to create stronger and more survivable "children".


And most of these "children" fail and die.


The number of failures is not in the hundreds of millions, but in the trillions and even the millions.

そして、その気の遠くなるような失敗の連続の果てに生まれてきた、奇跡の子ども ―― それこそが、

And the miraculous child that was born at the end of such a dizzying series of failures -- that is


"mutant strain".


何がいいたいか ――

What I'm trying to say--

―― 『変異株』とは、COVID-19世界における『実写版 るろうに剣心』である

"Mutant strain" is the same as "Live-action Rurouni Kenshin" in the COVID-19 world.



Both of them have one thing in common: they can't be born without making a series of mind-boggling mistakes.


Posted by ebata