娘の映像を記録しておけば、もっとPV上がるな ―― と気がついた時は、作業が終っていました。


I asked to my senior daughter, who is involved in "mechanics" as both a hobby and a job,

―― スノータイヤからノーマルタイヤへの交換やってみるか?

"Do you want to try changing from snow tires to normal tires?"


She said "I do try it", so I didn't help but watch her, just gave her verbal instructions.


I was a little surprised at how well she did it.



In fact, changing a tire is not that difficult, as long as you have the right equipment.


At least it's easier than speaking English, and easier than operating a smartphone.

こちらが、私の記録用の映像なのですが(YouTubeに繋がります) ――

Here's my video for the record (it leads to YouTube) --.

娘の映像を記録しておけば、もっとPV上がるな ―― と気がついた時は、作業が終っていました。

If I record my daughter's video, I'll get more PV...and when I realized that, the work was done.


Posted by ebata