
昨日、私の国際学会のカンファレンスペーパーの採択決定について、EE Times Japan(EETJ)編集担当のMさんとメールをしていました。

Yesterday, I was emailing with Ms.M, the editor of EE Times Japan (EETJ), about the decision to accept my international conference paper.


"My paper I wrote in the same spirit as my column in EETJ has been accepted by the conference office"


"This is a victory for the engineer who have not been loved by English"


I received the following response to above my email.

―― 本当は江端さんは、英語に愛されているのではないでしょうか

"The truth is, you are loved by English, aren't you ?"

―― 英語側が「ツンデレ」といいますか、あまのじゃくな気がします

"I feel that English is "tsundere(running hot and cold)" or bland"


上手い! 座布団一枚!!

"That’s a good one!"


I thought that.


However, I don't think that "tsundere" can convey "love".

だから、やっぱり ―― 『英語が悪い。私は悪くない』

So, after all -- "English is bad. It's not my fault"


Posted by ebata