それも、私がSNSをやっていない理由の一つです ―― ぶっちゃけ「気持ち悪い」です。


In a certain anime, there is a famous line,


Well, first of all, could you please define "friend" to range from where to where?



And, well, so far, I think it's in the category of normal teenager's "philosophy".

―― というか、これくらいのことを考えないティーンがいたら、『そいつは人間じゃないだろう』とすら思います。

I mean, if there is a teen who doesn't think about this much, I even think, 'She/He's probably not human being.



What surprised me was when I knew that there was a system to define and register "friends".


For example,

―― Facebookの「友達申請」

"Friend request" on Facebook


I remember the shivers that went down my spine when I heard those words.


I was stunned to find out that, unbeknownst to me, the "friend" system had become a "contract" system consisting of requests and approvals.



To think about marriage, it is also a contractual system, consisting of mutual application between two parties and approval by the state.


With that in mind, I thought that the "friend request" form of social networking sites would be a good idea.


Then I thought that if it is a "best friend", which is a rank above "friend", it could be approved by the state or even do blockchain authentication by a private service company.


それも、私がSNSをやっていない理由の一つです ―― ぶっちゃけ「気持ち悪い」です。

That's also one of the reasons I don't do social networking -- it's "weird" to be honest.


The words "friend request" is bad.

せめて「ピア(×ペア)申請」とか、「エントリー」とか、「名前登録」とか ―― その程度なら、私は「気持ち悪い」とは思わなかったと思います。

If it had been at least something like "peer (x pair) application", "entry", "name registration" -- I don't think I would have felt "weird" about it.


Posted by ebata