―― "知らないままでいる"という選択肢もある

家族での夕食の時、Amazon Primeで見ていた番組で、「部落問題」という言葉が出てきました。

During a family dinner, we was watching a show on Amazon Prime and the term "Buraku discrimination" came up in a show.


I asked two daughters "You know this issue don't you?" and the senior daughter said "Yes" and the junior daughter said "No".


The way this issue is addressed depends in part on school policies and the attitudes of teachers in the field.


In my case, it was "No" too.


But in my case, when I was in the dormitory in college, I had the rare opportunity to hear from a person who was continuing to campaign for discrimination.


There was some education at the company using actual incidents that took place within the company (I don't know what's going on now).


This issue is also linked to the Privacy Act.


―― "知らないままでいる"という選択肢もある

"She can choose to remain ignorant"


So I thought and asked her


"If you want to hear it, I can wrap it up in 10 minutes or so. Which one do you want?"

と尋ねました。 次女が希望したので、私はこの問題の歴史から話しを始めました。

My second daughter wanted to, so I started the story from the history.


As I began to speak, my wife switched off the TV.


Posted by ebata