

Today, I was watching the programs that were stored in my HDD recorder.

「BS1スペシャル マイケル・サンデルの白熱教室 君の成功は努力の結果?運?」

"BS1 Special: Michael Sandel's White Heat Classroom: Is Your Success the Result of Hard Work or Luck?



Students from prestigious universities in Japan, the U.S. and China gathered via video conference to answer Professor Sandel's questions.



Well, I'll spare you the details, however,


- It's no surprise that Professor Sandel and the U.S. students are speaking in "English.


- All Chinese students were all speaking in English.


- Only the Japanese students spoke in "Japanese".

―― なんだろう? NHKが敢えてそういう演出をしたのかな? だとしたら、その理由は?

"What is it? Did NHK dare to stage it that way? If so, what was the reason?"


I thought that.


There may have been an explanation of why somewhere in the program.

適当にスキップしながら見ていたので、私が見落している可能性もありますが ―― その理由が、もし、

I was skimming through it at random, so it's possible I'm missing something -- but if the reason is that

―― サンデル教授と、英語で質疑応答できそうな日本の学生を、一人も見付けられなかった

"NHK couldn't find any Japanese students who could answer questions in English with Professor Sandel"


If that is the case, I think it is the Japanese government (the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) that is to blame, not NHK or the students.


Posted by ebata