
Nスペの「デジタルハンター 謎のネット調査集団を追う~」を見ました。

I watched the N-SPE program "Digital Hunter: Chasing a Mysterious Internet Research Group".


This is a documentary program on "Open Source Investigations", which uses only publicly available information (Open Source) to hunt down governments and criminal groups.

- 出所不明の動画から、集団虐殺の場面の場所と、虐殺に参加した人間までも特定

- Identified the location of the massacre and the people who took part in it from the video of an unknown source.

- 新疆ウイグル自治区にある「職業訓練や反テロのための教育施設」を称呼する建物に注目して衛星画像を分析し、隔離施設であることを特定

- identified "quarantine facilities", that Chinese Government Calls for "Vocational Training and Educational Facilities for Anti-Terrorism" - Looking at buildings in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, analyzing satellite images

- アメリカ政府が中東の砂漠に置いた秘密基地の存在を特定

- Identified the existence of a secret base placed by the US government in the deserts of the Middle East.

- マレーシア航空機の撃墜事件のロシアの関与を明らかにした上で、ロシア政府の情報機関の幹部や元幹部らを含む容疑者たちを特定

- Identified suspects, including senior and former members of the Russian government's intelligence community, in the case of Russia's involvement in the downing of the Malaysian airliner.


These are the result of their efforts.



Although it is far from this scale and results, I have also conducted psychological analysis of people who were victims of delays due to personal injury by analyzing Twitter text.


As a result, I found out some interesting things.


For example, there were many retweets about the accident, but surprisingly few tweets expressing their own opinions.

―― なるほど、言い難いことは『自分では語らずに、人に言わせる』のは当然だよなぁ

"I see, it's natural to 'let others say what's hard to say, without saying it ourselves"


I was impressed.




Open source alone can tell you quite a lot about what is going on.


Moreover, equipment costs (x time resources) are surprisingly low.

―― 彼らの武器はラップトップのパソコンだけ

"Their only weapon is a laptop computer"


This phrase is also quite catchy.



I've been thinking about my own school days and wondering, 'Why couldn't I have taken this approach back then?'


Well, back then, there was no Internet, and there may not have been a FOIA request, but...


"I could hunt down the powers that be and the authorities with nothing but data and numbers."

というやり方もあったはずなのに ―― と、少々落ち込んでいます。

As a science student... I am a little depressed.


Well, maybe it's because of those repercussions that I'm continuing with this series.


Posted by ebata