「小説 日本沈没」と「映画(the 1st) 日本沈没」の原理主義者の江端です。

「小説 日本沈没」と「映画(the 1st) 日本沈没」の原理主義者の江端です。

I'm Ebata, a fundamentalist of the novel "Japan sinks" and the movie (the 1st) "Japan sinks"


I have always said, "Don't be stingy with other people's creations. Be silence as my criticism". Hence, I would like to refrain from giving my thoughts on TV dramas in 2021.


I just tell you that I agree with the criticisms listed on the Internet.


「小説 日本沈没」と「映画(the 1st) 日本沈没」は、『悪人が1人も登場しない』というとろが、私は好きなんですよ。

I like the fact that in the novel "Japan sinks" and the movie (the 1st) "Japan sinks", there is not a single bad guy.


I think the theme of "Japan sinks" is a fierce exodus in which everyone, from ordinary people to scientists, the Self-Defense Forces, and politicians, all work together desperately, risking their lives.

―― 日本が沈没するという未曾有の大災害の前に、『政局』なんぞ、のん気なことやっている奴がいるかぁ?

"In the face of a catastrophe of unprecedented scale that could sink Japan, who would be so carefree as to engage in "political affairs"?"


I come to think so.


日本沈没のメカニズムに関しては、「小説 日本沈没」では、膨大なページ数を割いて、徹底的な説明をしています。

As for the mechanism of the sinking of Japan, The novel "Japan sinks" devotes an enormous number of pages to a thorough explanation.


I was so worried that the readers would lose motivation if the explain is so technical at such length.

「映画(the 1st) 日本沈没」では、マントル対流の話を、本物の地震学者に解説をさせる徹底さでした(確か、東京大学地震研究所の先生だったと思います)。

In the movie "Japan sinks", they had a real seismologist explain about the mantle convection (He was a professor of Earthquake Research Institute of the University of Tokyo).


The realism of it scared me.


I also heard that the number of students majoring in seismology had increased since then.



What the great about Sakyo Komatsu's "Japan sinks" is


"In what areas is the behavior of fluid mass of different temperatures on Earth most clearly understood?"


As represented by this line, the paradigm of meteorological models has been brought into tectonic models.


Of course, this model may be unreasonable, but science fiction is science fiction.


And then, that is it.

『最悪の場合・・・これは、地震の被害の大小にはかかわらずだ。・・・最悪の場合 ―― 日本列島の大部分は、水面下に沈む・・・』

"In the worst case scenario... . ..this is regardless of the size of the earthquake. ...In the worst case -- most of the Japanese archipelago will sink below the surface..."


No matter how many times I reread the phrase, it still sends shivers down my spine.


「小説 日本沈没」の中で、「日本沈没」という複合語が登場するのは、わずか7箇所です(Kindleで調べました)

In the novel "Sinking of Japan," the compound word "Japan sinks" appears in only seven places (I checked on my Kindle).

「映画(the 1st) 日本沈没」の中でも、この言葉はあまり使われていなかったように思います。

I don't think this word was used much in the movie.


I think it is very important to make the reader understand the theme of creation without using power words.


Posted by ebata