From the end of the year to the New Year, I've been paying attention to my weight changes (especially the heavier ones), and I was relieved when I made it through the last day within the acceptable range.
However, for the past few days, I've been struggling with an inexplicable weight gain.
Once I tried to see if I could explain my weight gain with "transient phenomena" but at this time I failed spectacularly.
今回のケースが「7日間」という、超長期の遅延定数ではないだろう ―― と、思っています。
I am sure that this case is not a very long delay constant of "7 days" -- I am sure of that.
However, I think it is reasonable to say that my body has become accustomed to the amount of food I eat at the end of the year, and I am still overeating.
Well, these days, I'm hungry anyway.
I weigh myself once a day, targeting the time and place where I lose the most weight.
In order to do this, I have been working on various ways to get on the scale.
I went to the bathroom and took out everything I could.
Naturally, I was completely naked (except for my pants).
The first thing to do is to take the scales out into the hallway, let them cool down, reduce the sensitivity of the sensors.
I install the scales in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the wood on the floor.
When I get on the scale, bend over so that my center of gravity is outside the scale.
By counting backwards from the timing the scale gives me a definite value, I can generate a light single oscillating motion in my body to determine the lightest weight.
I have been fighting to "cheat the scales" every day by using various methods like that.
『そこまでするなら、体重計に乗らなければ良いのに』と嫁さんには言われていますが ――
My wife says to me, "If you're going to go that far, you shouldn't be on the scale".
As we all know, the "mental damage caused by the scale" is the most effective way to lose weight.
『仮にそうだとしても、"体重計を欺く"ことに意味はあるのか』と問われれば ―― 私は、こう思うのです。
If you ask me, "Even if that's the case, what's the point of cheating the scales?"
どんなに残忍な殺人事件を起こし、検察側、弁護側、双方が事実認定に齟齬がないとしても ――
No matter how brutal the murder, and no matter how consistent the prosecution, defense, and both sides are in finding the case--
A suspect in a murder case should be judged on the amount of sentence after the defense has exhausted all possible defenses.
特に「死刑判決」という極刑については、『もうこれ以上の弁護はできない』という、最大級の弁護の機会を与えられなけえればならない ――
Especially when it comes to the extreme penalty of the death sentence, we have to be given the maximum opportunity to defend ourselves, to say, like 'I can't defend myself any more'.
しかるに、「体重計」という裁判所が、「私の体重」という罪状を確定するのであれば ――
Therefore, if the court of "scales" establishes the charge of "my weight," then--
Every opportunity to defend "every effort to reduce weight (value)" should be exhausted.
―― と、私は信じているのです。
I believe that