

Recently I am developing a programming using with OpenMapStreet for my work and hobby.

ただ、最近、マニュアルにさえ載っていないカルト的な方向に進んでいます ―― 例えば、『地図の改ざん』とか(もちろん、ローカルでの改ざんですが)

However, my interest is going to the direction of cult issues that are not described in the manuals, for example, map falsification ( of course, for my private use).


On the other hand, watching numbers of my blog counts, there seems to be a lot of people who are interested in.


最近、頭を抱えることが多くて、Googleから検索するのですが ――

Lately, there are many annoying issues, so I often use the google search engine.


My desperation is big terribly when the hit article is mine.


Posted by ebata