It seems that the second season of the anime "Welcome to the Meritocracy Classroom" has started.
「ようこそ縁故主義の教室へ」―― 族長が率いる一族のクラス。始終他のクラスと抗争していそう。
"Welcome to the Edenic Classroom" families led by a chief, seems to be in constant conflict with other classes.
「ようこそ血縁主義の教室へ」―― 全員親戚のクラス。気が滅入る。
"Welcome to the kinship classroom", all classes of relatives. Depressing.
「ようこそカルト主義の教室へ」―― 全員が目がすわっている狂信者のクラス。怖い。
"Welcome to the Cultism Classroom" fanatics who all have crazy eyes. Scary.
「ようこそ人格主義の教室へ」―― 全員が人格者のクラス。息苦しそう。
"Welcome to the personalism classroom", everyone is a person of integrity. It's suffocating.
Coming to think of it, we could agree that
"Welcome to the classroom of deviation supremacy", like prep schools are wholesomeness.